alliance crushers is one of the best so is virus mail axrader in evony if you want to join
It is really what you feel is the best alliance for YOU.
it is not the best game
It usually doesn't have to do with you, it may be a part in your alliance, if you are not the leader, then don't worry about it.
Build up troops and defences and join a strong alliance
You don't. Only way to change it is to disband the alliance and remake it.
Depending on what your standards are for a alliance
build an embassy
No you have to leave the alliance you are in first
Apache is the most used, but best depends on your personal preferences. alliance crushers in sever 130 is very popular in evony people come to this alliance they grow than the leave to make great alliance mail axrader for invite if you decide to take on the offer.
you build a embassy the click on it and then click join.
First join an alliance , learn and become stronger than try follow the other alliances
you lose 10% of your current prestige
I think you can only make heroes champions.
you can invite them into alliance by hitting the opition botton and type there lord name in.
Evolliance is a separate website that allows you to access your alliance's data such as coordinates and forums.
If your a officer, presbyter, vicehost or host then go to alliance and click request, then you could add people