

Best Answer


AND MINE!-here it is...the almost unbeatable, tournament legal deck.

all 5 Exodia pieces

x2 Draining shield

x1 Magic Cylinder

x1 Change Destiny

x1 Card Trader

x3 Emissary of the afterlife

x1 Starlight road

x1 Stardust dragon

x1 pot of avarice

x1pot of duality

x1 lightning vortex

x1 reload

x1 mirror force

x3 deep divers

x2 strong monsters

x1 Marshmallon

x2 Dark resonator

x1 Bottomless trap hole

x1 monster reborn

x1 Dark hole

x2 Card destruction

x1 Sangan

x1 Widespread ruin

x1 Monster reincarnation

x2 Magical mallet

x2 or 3 Jar of greed

x2 magic jammer

x1 trap jammer

x1 MST

x1 Gravity bind

x1 Level limit area B

x1 Jinzo

AND THERE'S UR UNBEATABLE DECK! u can add some cards to and tada!

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Q: What is the best Yu-Gi-Oh deck created?
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The best deck for this card would most likely be a beast or an EARTH deck.

Who is the best Yugioh player?

The best Yu-gi-oh player is Yugi because he started and has the best deck!

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The best deck to stop kagemaru is one that does damage to him when he use's any of the three decks.

What is the best e-hero deck you can use in the2013 Yugioh world championship?

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What do you think of my yu-gi-oh deck?

Well what is your yugioh deck?

What is the best Yugioh dinosaur deck you can make i have a fairly decent one but i it to be better and i dont care about baned cards?

Dino rabbit look it up. It is the best deck right now.

Rules of yugioh?

Go to to learn the rules. You can also get a rulebook in each structure deck and a "beginner's guide" in each starter deck.

Is there a site that you can put in all your Yugioh cards and it will make the best deck for me?

no, but there is a yugo ap for the i phone where YOU make your own deck, or you can go to the deck doctor and you give him your deck and he will fix it up for you, or if you have a friend that is an absolute pro like me :), you can ask of him to help you with your deck.

Are all yu gi oh starter decks the same?

It depends on what type of starter deck e.g. Yugioh 5ds, Yugioh GX, Yugioh!

How can you build a competitive and fast Yugioh warriors deck?

Get the warriors triumph structure deck and improve from there.

What deck won the Yugioh World Championship 2002?

Most likely a vanilla beatdown deck