A Pokemon with protect, dig ,fly ect just use protect while it attacks then attack while its loafing. If youre faster than it use fly/dig on the first turn, and if youre slower use it while its loafing around
lvl. 18 to Vigoroth lvl. 36 to Slaking
Yes it evolves to slaking which is a super powerful pokemon.
Steel is super effective against rock type pokemon.
Psykick like the beam
Pokemon Ruby has Pokemon that Pokemon Sapphire does not and Pokemon Sapphire has Pokemon that Pokemon Ruby does not.
In Pokemon Ruby, Vigoroth will evolve into Slaking at level 36.
lvl. 18 to Vigoroth lvl. 36 to Slaking
Yes it evolves to slaking which is a super powerful pokemon.
a normal type gym. he will use two slaking and one vigoroth.
two slaking and a vigoroth your best off using fighting types for this gym
at least level50.otherwise you will not be able to defeat his slaking.
If you mean Slakoth: Slakoth evolves into Vigoroth at level 18, who evolves into Slaking at level 36.
fighting type pokemon can defeat slaking in ruby/saphire/emerald the 5th gym has two slaking either you use combusken or catch a machop and train it to level 30 to win if lucky or keep training it till it defeats both slakings which is difficult ADVICE:buy super potions awakening and revives to win
Get a Slakoth and train it to level 18, then it will evolve into Vigoroth. If you want Slaking, train Vigoroth to level 36. Enjoy =D
A Vigoroth and two Slaking.
physic type pokemon.
Steel is super effective against rock type pokemon.