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Yes it evolves to slaking which is a super powerful pokemon.

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Q: Is training slakoth worth it on ruby?
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Where you get slakoth Pokemon ruby?

Where you get slakoth in Pokemon ruby is in the petalburg woods. Trust me

Can you catch slakoth in ruby?

You can catch slakoth in Ruby, just go to Lilycove City and try your hardest to try to catch it. It takes a long time to see one.-hope this helped

Who wants to trade for a slakoth in ruby?

A woman in Rustboro City. She will give you a Makuhita nicknamed Makit that is the same level as the slakoth you give her.

When does sloth on Pokemon ruby evolves?

If you mean Slakoth: Slakoth evolves into Vigoroth at level 18, who evolves into Slaking at level 36.

Were do you find vigoroth on Pokemon ruby?

You can't. You have to catch a slakoth in the petalburg woods and evolve it.

Can you catch slakoth in Pokemon Ruby?

Yes you can, its rare though. Go to the Petalburg Woods.

When does a slakoth evolve in Pokemon Ruby?

lvl. 18 to Vigoroth lvl. 36 to Slaking

What are the chances of catching a Slakoth?

In Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald the chances of cathing a Slakoth is 5%. Just walk around Petalburg Woods for a while, you'll get one eventually.

Were do you find slakoth in Pokemon Ruby?

I'm think in the woods at the start of the game.

What game is Pokemon slakoth in?

pearl,diamond,platium,i think ruby,heartgold,soulsilver,and maybe emerald.

Is slakoth worth raising?

according to serebii it is the strongest Pokemon that's not legendary so ya

Pokemon Ruby vigoroth?

Get a Slakoth and train it to level 18, then it will evolve into Vigoroth. If you want Slaking, train Vigoroth to level 36. Enjoy =D