In Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald the chances of cathing a Slakoth is 5%. Just walk around Petalburg Woods for a while, you'll get one eventually.
Where you get slakoth in Pokemon ruby is in the petalburg woods. Trust me
Slakoth evolves into Vigoroth at level 18.
A slakoth evolves into vigoroth at level 18, then vigoroth evolves into slaking at at level 36.
It depends on the pokemon. The chances of finding it in the wild are 1/8192 (.001220703125%)
level 18
you dont a slaking just by catching it,slakoth may be swarning in eterna forest thats the only way slakoth to vigoroth at lv 18 and vigoroth to slaking at lv 36
Try catching a Slakoth and then evolving it. This game is a hack, so the method of evolving normal Pokemon might be different.
Relicanth is fouind underwater. Your chances are about 1%-10% of see one. Catching one might be even harder, so use a good ball.
Slakoth is a Normal type pokemon.
not a good chance! sorry!
25-50 percent
Where you get slakoth in Pokemon ruby is in the petalburg woods. Trust me
Slakoth evolves into Vigoroth at level 18.
Slakoth is #287 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.
The chances of catching zika are currently very low, especially if you are using repellents or staying out of infested areas.
Not much. At least try with an ultra ball.