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It depends on the pokemon.

The chances of finding it in the wild are 1/8192 (.001220703125%)

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Q: What are the odds of catching a shiny Pokemon?
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How do you lower the odds of catching a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon platinum?

the chance of getting a shiny Pokemon is 1/8496.

Is it possible to get shiny fossilized Pokemon in Pokemon black?

Yes, it is possible, but it has the same odds of finding a shiny wild Pokemon (1/8192).

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What are the odds of getting a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon X?

I believe is one out of every 4,096 pokemon

Can starter Pokemon be shiny?

Yes, however the odds that the Pokemon you pick is shiny are 1 in 8912 and there is no way to reduce that without cheating.

What are the chances of getting a shiny Mewtwo?

1/8192 is the appearance rate for any shiny pokemon. The odds are no different with legendary pokemon.

Where do you find shiny Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Shiny Pokemon can be encounterd anywhere in the wild but the chance is quite small, 1 in 8,192 Pokemon in the wild will be shiny.Breeding a shiny Pokemon with a non shiny Pokemon gives you a 1 in 64 chance of obtaining a shiny Pokemon form the egg.In Diamond and Pearl, the Poké Radar can be used to "chain" Pokémon of the same type, improving the odds of a shiny Pokémon with each link. up to 40 links, when the odds are 1 in 205.

What are the odds of breeding a shiny pokemon?

slim to none, same as usual

How do you breed shiny Pokemon in emerald?

It is like finding a pokemon in the wild the odds are still 1/8192. But shiny pokemon can be bred.

How do you get a shiny Magikarp in Pokemon SoulSilver?

It depends on luck. when catching a magikarp, you have a 1/8000 chance of shiny.

Where do you get a shiny stone on Pokemon Gold?

You get it by winning the bug catching contest.

How Do You Get Shiny Pokemon Without AR?

Short answer: Look around in the grass, water, and caves a lot. Long answer: There is a 1:8192 chance of meeting a wild shiny Pokemon. Breeding a non-shiny Pokemon with a shiny Pokemon increases the odds of the Pokemon in the egg being shiny to 1:64.