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Female blazekiken.

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Q: What is the best Pokemon to breed with a male Blaziken?
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What are all the Pokemon you can breed with a female Blaziken just on Pokemon Sapphire?

If you have it, a male blaziken or a ditto.

What Pokemon do i breed with Blaziken to get a Torchic?

You can breed it with a Ditto. Well i just bred my female Blaziken with a male Absol and now i have 8 torchicks 2 combuskens and 5 blazikens I have a female blaziken and i bred it with a male linoone.

Can you breed a female absol and male Blaziken?


Can you breed a male blaziken?

Yes, you can. To get a female Blaziken, try lots of times picking the starter Torchic. If it's male, restart the game and try again. It will work eventually. Then evolve it into Blaziken, go to the daycare, and put it with a male Pokemon with the fire element. Wait a while, then come back, and the man outside will give you an egg. Hatch it. It might be a male. (probably) Hope I helped! :) P.S. If that wasn't your question, then yes, you can breed male Blaziken with others. P.S.S. Ask me anymore questions about Hoenn games you have!

How do you breed a male Pokemon?

Breed it with Ditto.

Can you breed your male Milotic to get a baby feebas Milotic what Pokemon do you breed it with?

You have to breed with a ditto if it is a male

Can you get a torchic by breeding a delcatty with a linoone in Pokemon emerald?

The only way to get a Torchic would be to breed something with a female Torchic, Combusken, or Blaziken, or a Ditto with a male Torchic. Combusken, or Blaziken. -Possible Spoiler- Ditto can be found in the fossil maniac's cave near Fallarbor Town after you beat the Elite Four.

Can you breed a male Pokémon with a male Pokémon?

no you cant breed male and male. only a ditto and a male, or male and female of the same pokemon

Pokemon you can breed?

Male and female pokemon in the same egg group can make eggs. Also, any pokemon that can breed can breed with a ditto.

Can you get a Blaziken egg on emerld?

yes, get a male fire Pokemon and a female BLAZIKAN(rare beginning Pokemon) and bring to DAY CARE CENTER.

What Pokemon can breed with a male bayleef?

a ditto

How do you breed Pokemon on Pokemon saphire?

In order to breed Pokémon in Sapphire you either have to breed a female with a compatible male Pokémon or either female or male can breed with a Ditto like a female Treecko could breed with a male Mudkip or Whismur.