The team you choose should have several different types of Pokemon and genders. Try to keep them at a level higher then 50. Dont forget to bring lots of status items.
swampert or blaziken are the best type to beat gyms or Pokemon league
There's a Team Plasma member in the Pokemon Center at the League to teleport you to the castle.
you don't
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
my team
Well my team was Wigglytuff charizard
swampert or blaziken are the best type to beat gyms or Pokemon league
There's a Team Plasma member in the Pokemon Center at the League to teleport you to the castle.
a good Pokemon team is your starter Pokemon,the legendary of the game and the evee evolutions
Train ur Poke'mon team and fight till u win
Zapdos, Kyogre, Mewtwo, Articuno, Groudon, Rayquaza.
To get to the Pokemon League in Firered/Leafgreen. You must have all 8 gym badges, have a team that knows all HM's(you'll need them), and a strong team to get past the trainers. Best of luck. Pokemon Master Chewie.
Beat the Pokemon league and fill the pokedex. Raise a team, and challenge all of your friends to be the best.
there isn't really a best team i find a team with well balanced types i know the best team to use on the Pokemon league is just a blazeiken and a salamence so that might work on the battle frontier aswel and with that a good water Pokemon and that should work
In Pokemon Pearl what do u do after u fight team Galactic and have the 7th badge
Empoleon in its 80's can beat everyone if knows the moves: Aqua Jet Drill peak :)
I depends on the legendary Pokemon you have. Cynthia has a different types of Pokemon like you would. The best team consists of a wide variety of Pokemon. It also depends on the level. If all the Pokemon are around level 70 the best team is- Infernape, Wailord, Gabite or Garcomp (either is fine), Palkia, Raichu (only if it is Level 85 or higher), and finally a high level graveler