i would recommend for the elite four a level 52 scrafty that knows fighting type and dark type moves for the dark ghost and physic types a level 50 conkeldurr (or gurdurr if you can't trade to evolve) that knows as many fighting type moves for the dark type a level 56 stoutland that knows crunch bite take down and anything else for the ghost and physic a level 56 sigilypth that knows roost light screen physic air slash for the fighting type a level 56 thunderus that knows thunder dark pulse discharge and thrash and a level 60 starter pokemon( i suggest oshwott fully evolved that knows water moves because the ghost elite four person uses ghost/fire) Edited By Will A team that I usually use and gets me through the pokemon league easily. I will show you my 2 favourite teams Samurott with Surf, Megahorn, Ice Beam and Waterfall Archeops with Acrobatics, Fly, Stone Edge and Crunch Scrafty .... I can't remember the move set make your own lazy :P Galvantula with Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Slash and I Can't remember :P Darmanitan with Belly Drum, Fire Fang, Fire Punch and Body Slam Lilligant .... I can't remember the move set make your own lazy :P Team number 2 (you pick your own movesets I'm lazy) Emboar Seismitoad Archeops Scrafty Darmanitan Golurk Hope I helped you from Will My minecraft Username: sausage_aka_me My Xbox Gamertag: YoloSwag69Bruhh (no I'm not serious about that yolo swag stuff) and use them caps exactly ... By the way so I know your not a pedofile send me a message saying wikianswers and send me a friend request :P
I am about to start playing Pokemon Black 2 and I was thinking of my team, I decided t ogo with Samurott,Lucario and Electivire but can you guys help me pick the other 3 pokemons to have my team balanced ( no legendaries)
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
my team
There isn't a best team! All teams have elemental weakness. Also move set and stats are important factors in a battle. However some good pokemon are: kyurem, landorus, reshiram, hydreison, haxorus, and all of the starters are fairly good, and of course pokemon from other regions Although, depending on your favorite types, there can be a best team to fit around your needs.
I am about to start playing Pokemon Black 2 and I was thinking of my team, I decided t ogo with Samurott,Lucario and Electivire but can you guys help me pick the other 3 pokemons to have my team balanced ( no legendaries)
Team galactic isn't in Pokemon black!
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
I personally think that the best Pokemon in Pokemon black is Reshiram because he is the legendary!
The best new ability in Pokemon Black is Illusion.
The best Pokemon team in diamond is piplup, shinx, starly, machop, budew, and cranidos
my team
Well my team was Wigglytuff charizard
i don't no because yudidnt tell me your team
To take team Plazma to liberty island.