There isn't a best team! All teams have elemental weakness. Also move set and stats are important factors in a battle. However some good pokemon are: kyurem, landorus, reshiram, hydreison, haxorus, and all of the starters are fairly good, and of course pokemon from other regions
Although, depending on your favorite types, there can be a best team to fit around your needs.
I am about to start playing Pokemon Black 2 and I was thinking of my team, I decided t ogo with Samurott,Lucario and Electivire but can you guys help me pick the other 3 pokemons to have my team balanced ( no legendaries)
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
my team
There is no absolute best team. If you have 6 Deoxyses on your team and the opponent has one Darkrai, your team will essentially be destroyed. It all depends on diversity and which types of Pokemon you prefer.
I am about to start playing Pokemon Black 2 and I was thinking of my team, I decided t ogo with Samurott,Lucario and Electivire but can you guys help me pick the other 3 pokemons to have my team balanced ( no legendaries)
Team galactic isn't in Pokemon black!
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
I personally think that the best Pokemon in Pokemon black is Reshiram because he is the legendary!
The best new ability in Pokemon Black is Illusion.
The best Pokemon team in diamond is piplup, shinx, starly, machop, budew, and cranidos
my team
Well my team was Wigglytuff charizard
i don't no because yudidnt tell me your team
To take team Plazma to liberty island.