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get your starter to a high level then work on Pokemon like pikachu dugtrio alakazam etc but make sure you get articuno if you cant find it use YouTube to show you how because it is great against dragon types.

-- Starter Pokemon can be good longterm IF you have the right moves for them. when you're over 100 hours into the game, you need strong reliable poké's that are at high levels so you don't have to RELY on Legendaries. A Superior Lineup would be: Aerodactyl, Gyarados, Mr. Mime (or alakazam but if you can't trade, Mr. mime has stats that are just as good at lvl 100); Jolteon, Starmie, Dragonite..

If you also can raise a high level Kabutops or Lapras, they work well against the elite four. ----SOUP.

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Q: What is the best Pokemon LeafGreen lineup?
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I think its moltres

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== == == == === ===

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There is no best Pokemon to catch, as you train each individually.