ok you need all lvl 80+ Pokemon, most importanly u need ur starter, with athe ultimate move, ur gonna need a giritina that knows Draco meteor, dialga/palkia, arceus (optional if u cant cheat) that knows judgment OR a deoxs that knows thunder, and most important, and a staraptor for fly!!!!!
In pokemon platinum, the best party ever is Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray[third evolution of Shinx], Floatzel, Bibarel [make it learn all its moves as HMs] and Giratina.
There is no specific "best party" but to get a great party you just need to have a party that consists of the main components. You need to have a variety of types, an attack Pokemon with a remarkable attack stat, a "wall" Pokemon which should be able to take as many hits as needed (can either have high DEF, SP.DEF, or HP) and a secial attack Pokemon.
the best Pokemon are darkrai and arceus, but never count out the ansester of all Pokemon, mew
You can't give your Pokemon a haircut in Pokemon Platinum. I picked turtwig cause hes the best You can only do this in Pokemon G/S/C
arceus,ho-oh,lugia,groudon,dialga and palkia
In pokemon platinum, the best party ever is Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray[third evolution of Shinx], Floatzel, Bibarel [make it learn all its moves as HMs] and Giratina.
try your best to find spirtomb in Pokemon platinum
most legendaries such as girintina, heatran, dialga, or arceus. my party is: dialga, palkia, heatran, girintina, and lugia. but i think the best Pokemon is a lvl. 100 ditto.
Dialga in Diamond. Palkia in Pearl. Giritina in Platinum. Zekrom in White and Reshiram in Black.
In pokemon platinum, the best party ever is Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray[third evolution of Shinx], Floatzel, Bibarel [make it learn all its moves as HMs] and Giratina.
If you're talking about a best party, then the party would be... Slot 1Garintina Slot 2Heatran Slot 3Togekiss Slot 4Articuno Slot 5Zapdos Slot 6Raquaza
the answer is mew two
6 bidoof
well to opinion the best beginner in Pokemon platinum is chimchar