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Well it depends. If you want a team for the Elite 4 or Cheren or some person like Cynthia. Overall this is a pretty solid team:

-Braviary; (normal/flying) A good Pokemon to use as it knows good moves like superpower and brave bird

-Gigalith; (rock) A sturdy Pokemon with a helpful ability called sturdy. It knows stone edge and rock slide which is useful

-Volcarona; (fire/bug) A Pokemon you can catch at a pretty high level, at lv70 in relic castle, it has good moves and plus it is pretty fast.

-Hydreigon; (dark/dragon) Being a dragon and a dark type you can use it for psychic Pokemon. Haxorus is okay too, I guess

-Zekrom; (electric/dragon) Zekrom is the only Pokemon to learn fusion bolt which is a darn hard move. It doesn't need to to recharge after which is good.

-Samurott; (water) Samurott is a boom starter with levelled stats and moves like razor shell and revenge up for the top.

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Q: What is the best 6 Pokemon for a team in Pokemon white?
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