The question is listed under Computer Games, but I'm going to assume you're asking about real handguns. It's difficult to say what an average is, but in general, the FPS for handgun ammo can run from as low as 500 to as much as 1400, and even higher for some bullets.
FPS IS First Person Shooter. So COD Is A FPS
The FPS depends on your computer, not Minecraft itself. However, the maximum FPS Minecraft can reach is 1700.
one shot maby 750 fps with two shots maby 650 fps by Daniel hobbs is one of the easiest fps online PC games that you can play.
Despite popular belief, Wolfenstein 3D and Doom were not the first FPS games in history. An FPS game called Catacomb 3D predated these two games. It was the first ever FPS game in existence. But you used magic, not firearms. It was an OK game. Released for PC and NES (maybe more).
The typical FPS (feet per second) for a 9mm handgun ranges from 900 to 1400 fps depending on the specific make and model of the gun, as well as the type of ammunition being used. It is recommended to check the manufacturer specifications for the specific handgun you are interested in to get the most accurate FPS measurement.
500 fps
The velocity of a bullet can vary depending on the type of firearm used and the specific bullet being fired. On average, handgun bullets can travel around 800-1200 feet per second (fps) while rifle bullets can reach velocities of 2000-3000 fps or more. Some high-powered rifles can propel bullets at speeds exceeding 4000 fps.
Depends on the firearm, the manual or even the box most likely says what the FPS is.
On average YouTube videos run at 30 fps.
Like many things, the answer depends- in this case, it depends on the load (powder and bullet weight) and whether fired from a handgun, or sub-machine gun/ carbine. In a handgun, the 9mm Parabellum may be as slow as 1000 fps, or as fast as 1300 FPS (about 1400 for a +P loading) A longer barrel would produce higher velocity.
No such thing as an average speed- varies greatly by caliber. I have some firearms that shoot at 830 FPS, and some that shoot at 4000 FPS.
The speed of a hollow point bullet can vary depending on the caliber and type of firearm it is fired from. On average, handgun bullets can travel at speeds ranging from 800 feet per second (fps) to 1500 fps, while rifle bullets can reach speeds of up to 4000 fps or more.
200 or so ------------------------------------------------- The slowest BB gun ( NOT Airsoft or Pellet gun) that I know of is the Marksman 1010, it is rated at 200 FPS. The fastest BB gun I could find is the Crosman 2100 that is rated at 755 FPS. This gives you an average of 477.5 FPS Pellet guns and rifles can attain much faster speeds.
The average bullet speed can vary depending on the type of bullet and the firearm it is fired from. However, typical bullet speeds can range from about 800 feet per second (fps) to 3000 fps. High-powered rifles can have bullet speeds exceeding 3000 fps.
around 500fps sometimes more
FPS stands for "Feet Per Second" this is an average speed for most air pistols. It's fast, but some high powered air rifles can reach over 1000 fps