Helmet: Grenadier [UA]
Left Shoulder: Grenadier
Right Shoulder: EVA
Chest: Collar/Grenadier [UA]
Wrist: Ua/Bracer
Knee Guards: Grenadier
Firefight Voice: JorgeThis is from Samhiuys's thread on bnet.
We can not answer. You must have had to pr order halo reach to get elite officer armor.
no there is no mod to become Jorge in any Halo, I wish there was to be honest with you :]
his helmet is a grenadier
Yellow and gray or black.
You have to be an warrant officer in halo reach to unlock the helmet you also have to go to halowaypoint and unlock the armor.
He used the Grenadier shoulder for his left shoulder.
No, there is no Hayabusa armor in Halo Reach.
We can not answer. You must have had to pr order halo reach to get elite officer armor.
no there is no mod to become Jorge in any Halo, I wish there was to be honest with you :]
Jorge wears Grenadier
There is two ways to get it #1 unlock all of the armor #2 is to become the highest rank in halo reach
sadly, no it does not.
his helmet is a grenadier