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Q: What is the ar code for any Pokemon?
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Pokemon pearl what is ar code for Pokemon can learn any move?

there is no code 4 it

Is there any AR cheats to get Magmator?

With the Pokemon modifeir code you can.

Is there an AR code to get Pikachu as your partner?

No,but on Pokemon HeartGold and Pokemon SoulSilver you can have any Pokemon as a partner.

How do you get any Pokemon you want on diamond?

use an AR the code is 999978543087921110000000879654378512386546575890757492978364754836336475736273845934872738484747383938385480464673674637676104099864364577

Pokémon diamond- Catch any Pokémon?

Yes, I did. OH! you ment the AR code? Then go onto Google. Type in Pokemon pearl/ar/all Pokemon code. Then you'll have your answer.

Ar code to put Pokemon diamond onto AR?

the code for almost any game on the ar is in the bottom center of the screen once you come to the ar title screen or somthing like that.

What is the ar code for changin your person into a Pokemon?

the ar code is 16785GVJ(@#G

Is there a get all Pokemon AR code in Pokemon blue rescue team?

there is no code for ar that i know of if there is try lokking on google

How do you get Pokemon codes?

I can give you any AR code you want for Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl.

What is the ar code to have all Pokemon in platinum?

there is no such code

What is the AR code for Pokemon diamond to get all Pokemon in PC?

Theres not a code for that.

How do you get AR for Pokemon Diamond?

you have to get a code.