Oh, what a delightful puzzle you have there! Let's see, NE1410S could be interpreted as "North East 14 10 South." It seems like a set of directions or coordinates, leading you on a little adventure. Why not follow those directions and see where they take you? Happy exploring, my friend!
Some of the most popular puzzle games include Sudoku, Scramble, picture puzzle, crossword puzzle, grid puzzle, rebus, marbles, Chinese puzzle and many other games and variations of the mentioned ones.
we can shoot and take one puzzle and mixed with other puzzle
It's either a Ho-Oh puzzle or Aerodactyl puzzle, actually. For the Ho-Oh puzzle, bring Ho-Oh. For the Aerodactyl puzzle, use Flash.
which puzzle there are many of them
There is not a way to die a puzzle. A puzzle can only be put together.
Puzzle NO 60: Plaza Puzzle, Location, Station Exit. Please see the Related link below for a walkthrough of the puzzle.
The Tagalog word for puzzle is "puzzle" pronounced as "pasalaysay" or "pamsalaysay".
The word for puzzle is "pahei" (pəhèi) (n) -- puzzle; riddle
They can be called a sliding puzzle, sliding block puzzle, or sliding tile puzzle.
Some of the most popular puzzle games include Sudoku, Scramble, picture puzzle, crossword puzzle, grid puzzle, rebus, marbles, Chinese puzzle and many other games and variations of the mentioned ones.
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crossword puzzle
un puzzle
to un-puzzle the puzzle ps pluto corndog
Puzzle No 112: Beams and Ladders (US) or Ladder Puzzle (UK) Please see the related link below for a walkthrough of this puzzle.
Luke:Cream Rug - puzzle number 47- On The Run:Teddy Bear - puzzle number 46 - The Biggest Star:Bookcase - puzzle number 49 - 1,000 Times:Television - puzzle number 53 - Fish Thief:Simple Chair - puzzle number 55 - The Odd Sandwich:Desk puzzle - number 56 - The Lazy Guard:Reading Lamp - puzzle number 72 - Truth & Lies:Violin puzzle - number 88 - Leaky Tank:Pile Of Books - puzzle number 57 - Cut Which One:Baron Statue - puzzle number 104 - A Sweet Treat:Globe puzzle - number 75 - The Wire Cube:World Map - puzzle number 69 - Chocolate Puzzle:Professor Layton:Handwoven Rug - puzzle number 18 - - Of Dust and Dustpan:Pine Bed - puzzle number 33 - Light Which One?:Teak Bureau - puzzle number 50 - OTTF:Houseplant - puzzle number 77 - Which Job:Stuffed Chair - puzzle number 80 - Too Many Queens 1:Hat Rack - puzzle number 82 - Too Many Queens 3:Lacquered Stool - puzzle number 18 Of Dust and Dustpan:Teak Table - puzzle number109 - Laziest Man on Earth:Flower Bouquet - puzzle number 78 - Water Pitchers:Flower Vase - puzzle number 71- Sausage Thief:Gramophone - puzzle number73 - How Many Squares:Artisan's Teapot - puzzle number 89 - Which Way:Bone China Teacup - puzzle number 91 - Pattern Matching:Fossil puzzle - number 85 - Weekend Getaway:Splendid Painting - puzzle number 63 - How Old Is Mom?:Wall Clock - puzzle number 61 - Pin Board shapes:Mysterious Bottle - puzzle number 103 - Wood Cutouts: