Daily Jumble 1/27/16:
The chef got a new apron and she liked her new...
Answer: "COOK-WEAR" (whisk, tiger, canopy, absorb)
Daily Jumble 8/27/16:To make the triple play, the defense needed an...Answer: ALL-OUT EFFORTClue words: fleet, vault, fiasco, trophy.
Daily Jumble 1/27/16:The chef got a new apron and she liked her new...Answer: "COOK-WEAR" (whisk, tiger, canopy, absorb)
Daily Jumble 1/7/16:The cookies shaped like tennis rackets were a hit. Everyone really liked their...Answer: SWEET SPOTS (perch, await, studio, system)
Your Opinion
Daily Jumble 6/24/16: The landlord wouldn't sign for tenants' packages, ... Answer: NO "ACCEPTIONS" (conga, pants, stereo, hectic)
Daily Jumble 8/27/16:To make the triple play, the defense needed an...Answer: ALL-OUT EFFORTClue words: fleet, vault, fiasco, trophy.
Daily Jumble 1/27/16:The chef got a new apron and she liked her new...Answer: "COOK-WEAR" (whisk, tiger, canopy, absorb)
Daily Jumble 8/27/16:To make the triple play, the defense needed an...Answer: ALL-OUT EFFORTClue words: fleet, vault, fiasco, trophy.
Daily Jumble 1/5/16:Clue: The antisocial octopus welcomed the unexpected visitor...Answer: WITH OPEN ARMS (shame, twice, rodent, peachy)
Daily Jumble 1/21/16:His knowledge about the Scandinavian god of thunder made him an...Answer: A-THOR-ITY (utter, poise, safety, higher)
Daily Jumble 1/7/16:The cookies shaped like tennis rackets were a hit. Everyone really liked their...Answer: SWEET SPOTS (perch, await, studio, system)
Gland Poole
Daily Jumble 6/18/16: The Jumble authors' new apprentice was happy to be the... Answer: "PUNDERSTUDY" (rugby, douse, openly, defect)
Your Opinion
The ages range from 6 years to 27 years. *As of January 13, 2016.
Daily Jumble 6/24/16: The landlord wouldn't sign for tenants' packages, ... Answer: NO "ACCEPTIONS" (conga, pants, stereo, hectic)
Daily Jumble 7/11/16:On the sci-fi show, the Milky Way had a...Answer: STARRING ROLE (ratio, slant, gerbil, creaky)