oh no not ther yes the
42 5 631
down 4531 across 256
Left 5, top center 3, right 4, top 6, center bottom 2, bottom 1.
Helpful. What you call "power lines 1 level 6", it has to make 10 and there are six powercells. What you call "power lines 2 level 7" is has to make 21 and there are more than six which is 9 powerce.
Nyan cat
Well, darling, the answer to power lines 1 level 6 is simply 857. Now go on and show those power lines who's boss!
1 3 6 4 2 5 7
i really dont no cos i am stuck but yesterday i completed phase 2 but i forgot the code.
I already know this. 1 2 4 5 6
Oh, dude, you're really asking the tough questions, huh? Well, technically speaking, the answer to power lines level 2 phase 2 is... drumroll... 42! Just kidding, I have no idea, but hey, good luck with that!
oh no not ther yes the