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Q: What is the anagram for nominates that contains the most Scandinavians?
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Related questions

What are the Scandinavians most well known for?

The Vikings.

Are all Scandinavians Roman Catholics?

No, most are Protestants.

What ethnic groups are fishermen?

Most of the fisherman were Scandinavians and Finns.

What are most Scandinavians?

Norwegian, Swedish, Danish.

Do most Scandinavians start their bargaining with what is in there opinion the fair price?


Where do most people in Scandinavia prefer to live?

Most Scandinavians live along the coast, or a little ways inland.

Can you unscramble dnrgateun?

The anagram is "ungranted" which is hard to find because it is not in most dictionaries. *If a typo, replacing U with I yields the anagram integrand.

What do the letters aalletctdoinoc unscramble to make?

The most apt anagram is "data collection."

What word is formed by unscrambling the letters diegtse?

The anagram is "edgiest" (most edgy).

What populations are affected by Refsum's disease?

Refsum's disease has a recessive pattern of inheritance and affects populations from Northern Europe, particularly Scandinavians most frequently.

What people or society has naturally white hair?

As a group, Scandinavians tend to have more people with white hair (blonds) than most other groups.

Unscramble the letters EUNHEMT into 2 words?

The most likely two-word anagram is "the menu."