probably either:
or more likely
If you are asking if Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO) online [sic] is an online game, then yes ... yes it is.
Yes!you can!
SCMFILIAE ace(s), case, cam(s), cafe(s), calf, came, cilia, clam(s), calm(s), claim(s), facsimile, face(s), facile, fascia, facial(s), ice(s), iliac, lice, lace(s), mice, mace, sci, sci-fi, scam, scale, sic, sac, slice
THE WORLD'S EASYEST GAME (aka Easy-est Game)Player will be asked 111 of these questions.----Nonsense questions:* What is your name? = type any name* What is your favorite color? = type any color* Is this the world's easiest game? = YesLength of game* Guess how many questions there are in this quiz? = 111* How many questions have you answered so far? - look at upper left, subtract 1* How many questions are left? - either 35 (question 76) or 33 (question 78)Changing images* How many rabbits? - enter anything until all 4 rows appear, answer = 23* Color of dog Blue = slide across boxes and wait til green color matches* Click button = keep clicking, wait til it stops moving* Wait 12 seconds = just wait* Wait 10 seconds = just waitStringsHow many cups in a quart? = 4How many quarts in a gallon? = 4What's 2+2+7-7? = 4How many sides does a square have? = 4How many sides does a rectangle have? = 4How many legs does this dog have? = 4How many legs does the spider have left? = 4How many seasons of the year are there? = 4How many fingers are on a human hand = 5How many days in July = 31How many days in September = 30How many days in January = 31How many days in May = 31How many days in April = 30How many days in August = 31How many days in October = 31How many months have 31 days = 7How many months have 28 days = 12 (all of them)You must think you're pretty smart? = Yes* What are 2,011 pennies worth = 20.01 (value)* What are 2004 pennies worth = .01 (year on coin)* Are you sure? = YesObservation Challenge 1 - cat fight* What color was the clock on the wall? = type color (could be several)* What color is the sofa? = Purple* Whose house is it? = name is on the wall certificate* Which are better Cats or Dogs? = CatsObservation Challenge 2 - detective skills* What color is the woman's book bag? = type color (could be several)* What 11-letter word do even all Harvard graduates spell incorrectly = incorrectlyWhich state is this?* Long and narrow = North Carolina* Upside-down with islands = Alaska* Upside-down = TexasGardening* Water the lawn and make the grass grow = click watering can, click faucet, click over grass* Plant some pretty flowers = click on seeds* Now burn down the flowers with your awesome flamethrower = point and clickActivities* Click the K button = click on K button in middle* Press the Enter button = press enter key on your keyboard* Type the number "4" = use top row, don't use number pad!* Small plane crash = either click on all 10 (alive) or none (dead)* Crossword Puzzle = E, Y, L -- GEL/LEG both ways, center letter Y - EYE* Beat Me in Tic-Tac-Toe = easy to beat* Tic-Tac-Toe rematch = still easy to beat* Escape the dungeon = pick up key, click door lock, wait* Kill the zombies = switch to bomb at upper right, shoot* Shoot the mob boss = he's at the top center right, between his guards* Swim to safety = use arrow keys* Which one is an elephant? = click elephant (left)* Which one is a zebra = click zebra (right)* Dalmatians. How many? = 101 (book and movie)* What is the first word in this sentence? = What* Is the moon made of cheese? (this one is) = Yes* Turn on the light bulb = click on string* Which one is the United States? = Click on US at left* Hangman CASTL_ = type E* Put the ball in the basket = Click on ball, lift over hoop, click to drop* Do Wood chucks chuck wood = Yes or No* Which country is bigger? = click United States* How many sides does this cube have? = 6* Click the Red button = click the RED button that has "Purple" written on itPalindromes* The word SWIMS is the same forwards, backwards, and upside down = True* The word EYE is the same forwards, backwards, and upside down = False* The word RACECAR is the same forwards, backwards, and upside down = FalseMath and numbers* Solve for x : 2x -6 equals 12 = 9 ---timer stops at 0:09* Solve the equation for x : 2x -5 equals 11 = 8 --- timer stops at 0:08* Solve for x : 3/2 x - (-4) equals 13 = 6 --- timer stops at 0:06* Solve for N : 700+80+n equals 780+n = 3 --- timer stops at 0:03(actually, the correct answer is that N could have any value)* What is a number between 1 and 2? = any digital e.g. 1.5 or 1.4* How much is 2 and 2 put together = 22* What's (long equation) = 0 (you multiply by 0)* At some point in years 1900 and 1999, what year read the same upside-down = 1961* 1,2,3,4,5,6...What's the next number in this sequence? = 7* What is 5 + 3? = 8Word problems* You have 5 candy bars in a bowl = 5* How old was Alice = 13 (Alice "was" 13 and is now 14)* How many people in the restaurant = 30 including YOU* You had 27 flowers, all but 14 died = 14* Mary and Suzy ordered a pizza = NeitherKnowledge* What's more powerful than God (etc)? = Nothing* Name a body part that is spelled the same forwards and backwards? = eye* What is the capitol of New York = Albany (state capital)* Aqua is another word for? = Water* Does a frog bump his butt when he hops? - Yes* Which is furthest away? = Pluto* A man wants to marry his widow's sister. Can he? = No (he's dead)* Is the Pope Catholic? = Yes* Does a bear poo in the woods? = Yes* A centennial anniversary is a celebration of how many years? = 100* How many days in a normal calendar year? = 365* Which hand do you stir soup with? = Neither (you use a spoon)* What shape is this? = Triangle (hard to get wrong)* Is a triangle the only basic shape with 3 sides? = Yes* Is a square the only shape with 4 sides? = No* Which is heavier, a pound of goose feathers or a pound of lead? = Neither* Grammar Nazis beware : which is correct? = top (John and me)* 8 miles of woods - How far can you walk into the woods? = Halfway* What do you put in a toaster? = breadBalls* What is a round red rubber ball made of? = Rubber* What color is a round rubber red ball (sic) ? = Red* What shape is a round red rubber ball? = Sphere* What color is this ball? - Green4-Letter Words* 4 letter words : A pyrotechnician should know how fire works.* 4 letter words : I'm a sap for tree questions.* 4 letter words : You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish.* 4 letter words : Color of the Sun in the early morning? = Rose
* acerbic * acidic * acoustic * aerobic * aesthetic * agnostic * antagonistic * antic * antiseptic * apocalyptic * apologetic * arc * archaic * arctic * aristocratic * artistic * ascetic * ascorbic * aseptic * athletic * atmospheric * attic * authentic * autocratic * axiomatic * barbaric * basic * beatific * bionic * bucolic * caustic * chaotic * cherubic * chic * choc * chronic * classic * cleric * climactic * colic * conic * critic * cryptic * cynic * democratic * demonic * despotic * dialectic * didactic * dogmatic * domestic * dramatic * drastic * dynamic * enthusiastic * epic * epileptic * ethic * ethnic * fabric * fanatic * ferric * forensic * frantic * garlic * generic * genetic * havoc * hectic * heroic * iconic * idiotic * idyllic * iliac * impolitic * impressionistic * intrinsic * ionic * ipecac * ironic * kinetic * lac * laconic * lactic * lilac * mac * magic * maniac * manic * manioc * medic * melodic * mesozoic * mimic * mystic * mythic * nomadic * optic * organic * panic * parasitic * pathetic * phobic * pic * plastic * platonic * poetic * politic * realistic * rec * relic * robotic * roc * sac * scientific * sec * septic * sic * skeptic * sonic * spec * spic * symbolic * sync * synthetic * tactic * tic * titanic * topic * traffic * tragic * tropic * turmeric * uric * vac * zinc * zodiac * zoic
One can lookup a sic code which is a Standard Classification Code, on OSHA- govt, Naics, and Melissa Data. Other places to find a lookup for a sic code is SIC Code.
The typical SIC code is 6726.
Sic Code: 8742-07 Alternative Renewable Solutions
Sic Code: 8742-07 Alternative Renewable Solutions
SIC 2677 applies to ENVELOPES.
The SIC Code for Plastic Materials and Resins is 2821.
The SIC Code for Laboratory Analytical Instruments is 3826.
Naics code 516110 sic code 7375 gics code 120023 120024 pics codetm 1400816
The NAICS code for SIC 3674 is 334413 (Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing.
541510 is the NAICS code for "Computer systems design & related services." It is similar to other codes such as 541511, "Custom Computer Programming Services" and 541512 , "Computer Systems Design Services." SIC codes do not match one-to-one with NAICS codes, so you will want to check for a match depending on the specific business activity, the same way you would choose "x" under 54151x (i.e., 541510, 541511, 541512, etc.). In this case, it would be anything under "SIC Industry Group 737 - Computer Programming, Data Processing, and Other Computer Related Services." The best 4-digit 737x code will depend on your specific business focus; .i.e., SIC 7371 - Computer Programming Services SIC 7372 - Prepackaged Software SIC 7373 - Computer Integrated Systems Design SIC 7374 - Computer Processing And Data Preparation And Processing Services SIC 7375 - Information Retrieval Services SIC 7376 - Computer Facilities Management Services SIC 7377 - Computer Rental And Leasing SIC 7378 - Computer Maintenance And Repair SIC 7379 - Computer Related Services, Not Elsewhere Classified You can also drill down further; e.g., 73710101 Computer software systems analysis and design, custom 73730100 Systems software development services
SIC 3821