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THE WORLD'S EASYEST GAME (aka Easy-est Game)
Player will be asked 111 of these questions.
Nonsense questions:
* What is your name? = type any name
* What is your favorite color? = type any color
* Is this the world's easiest game? = Yes

Length of game
* Guess how many questions there are in this quiz? = 111
* How many questions have you answered so far? - look at upper left, subtract 1
* How many questions are left? - either 35 (question 76) or 33 (question 78)

Changing images
* How many rabbits? - enter anything until all 4 rows appear, answer = 23
* Color of dog Blue = slide across boxes and wait til green color matches
* Click button = keep clicking, wait til it stops moving
* Wait 12 seconds = just wait
* Wait 10 seconds = just wait

How many cups in a quart? = 4
How many quarts in a gallon? = 4
What's 2+2+7-7? = 4
How many sides does a square have? = 4
How many sides does a rectangle have? = 4
How many legs does this dog have? = 4
How many legs does the spider have left? = 4
How many seasons of the year are there? = 4
How many fingers are on a human hand = 5

How many days in July = 31
How many days in September = 30
How many days in January = 31
How many days in May = 31
How many days in April = 30
How many days in August = 31
How many days in October = 31
How many months have 31 days = 7
How many months have 28 days = 12 (all of them)
You must think you're pretty smart? = Yes

* What are 2,011 pennies worth = 20.01 (value)
* What are 2004 pennies worth = .01 (year on coin)
* Are you sure? = Yes

Observation Challenge 1 - cat fight
* What color was the clock on the wall? = type color (could be several)
* What color is the sofa? = Purple
* Whose house is it? = name is on the wall certificate
* Which are better Cats or Dogs? = Cats

Observation Challenge 2 - detective skills
* What color is the woman's book bag? = type color (could be several)
* What 11-letter word do even all Harvard graduates spell incorrectly = incorrectly

Which state is this?
* Long and narrow = North Carolina
* Upside-down with islands = Alaska
* Upside-down = Texas

* Water the lawn and make the grass grow = click watering can, click faucet, click over grass
* Plant some pretty flowers = click on seeds
* Now burn down the flowers with your awesome flamethrower = point and click

* Click the K button = click on K button in middle
* Press the Enter button = press enter key on your keyboard
* Type the number "4" = use top row, don't use number pad!
* Small plane crash = either click on all 10 (alive) or none (dead)
* Crossword Puzzle = E, Y, L -- GEL/LEG both ways, center letter Y - EYE
* Beat Me in Tic-Tac-Toe = easy to beat
* Tic-Tac-Toe rematch = still easy to beat
* Escape the dungeon = pick up key, click door lock, wait
* Kill the Zombies = switch to bomb at upper right, shoot
* Shoot the mob boss = he's at the top center right, between his guards
* Swim to safety = use arrow keys
* Which one is an elephant? = click elephant (left)
* Which one is a zebra = click zebra (right)
* Dalmatians. How many? = 101 (book and movie)
* What is the first word in this sentence? = What
* Is the moon made of cheese? (this one is) = Yes
* Turn on the light bulb = click on string
* Which one is the United States? = Click on US at left
* Hangman CASTL_ = type E
* Put the ball in the basket = Click on ball, lift over hoop, click to drop
* Do Wood chucks chuck wood = Yes or No
* Which country is bigger? = click United States
* How many sides does this cube have? = 6
* Click the Red button = click the RED button that has "Purple" written on it

* The word SWIMS is the same forwards, backwards, and upside down = True
* The word EYE is the same forwards, backwards, and upside down = False
* The word RACECAR is the same forwards, backwards, and upside down = False

Math and numbers
* Solve for x : 2x -6 equals 12 = 9 ---timer stops at 0:09
* Solve the equation for x : 2x -5 equals 11 = 8 --- timer stops at 0:08
* Solve for x : 3/2 x - (-4) equals 13 = 6 --- timer stops at 0:06
* Solve for N : 700+80+n equals 780+n = 3 --- timer stops at 0:03
(actually, the correct answer is that N could have any value)
* What is a number between 1 and 2? = any digital e.g. 1.5 or 1.4
* How much is 2 and 2 put together = 22
* What's (long equation) = 0 (you multiply by 0)
* At some point in years 1900 and 1999, what year read the same upside-down = 1961
* 1,2,3,4,5,6...What's the next number in this sequence? = 7
* What is 5 + 3? = 8

Word problems
* You have 5 candy bars in a bowl = 5
* How old was Alice = 13 (Alice "was" 13 and is now 14)
* How many people in the restaurant = 30 including YOU
* You had 27 flowers, all but 14 died = 14
* Mary and Suzy ordered a pizza = Neither

* What's more powerful than God (etc)? = Nothing
* Name a body part that is spelled the same forwards and backwards? = eye
* What is the capitol of New York = Albany (state capital)
* Aqua is another word for? = Water
* Does a frog bump his butt when he hops? - Yes
* Which is furthest away? = Pluto
* A man wants to marry his widow's sister. Can he? = No (he's dead)
* Is the Pope Catholic? = Yes
* Does a bear poo in the woods? = Yes
* A centennial anniversary is a celebration of how many years? = 100
* How many days in a normal calendar year? = 365
* Which hand do you stir soup with? = Neither (you use a spoon)
* What shape is this? = Triangle (hard to get wrong)
* Is a triangle the only basic shape with 3 sides? = Yes
* Is a square the only shape with 4 sides? = No
* Which is heavier, a pound of goose feathers or a pound of lead? = Neither
* Grammar Nazis beware : which is correct? = top (John and me)
* 8 miles of woods - How far can you walk Into the Woods? = Halfway
* What do you put in a toaster? = bread

* What is a round red rubber ball made of? = Rubber
* What color is a round rubber red ball (sic) ? = Red
* What shape is a round red rubber ball? = Sphere
* What color is this ball? - Green

4-Letter Words
* 4 letter words : A pyrotechnician should know how fire works.
* 4 letter words : I'm a sap for tree questions.
* 4 letter words : You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish.
* 4 letter words : Color of the Sun in the early morning? = Rose

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snake on computer

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Lvl 1
3y ago
The games name may be "The world's Easy-est Game but it isn't. It is little hard.

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Ariana Sharp

Lvl 2
3y ago

The easiest game

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4y ago

4 letter words : a pyro technician should know how ____ works

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Lvl 1
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a pyro technician should know how fire works

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vdhvjG vhjbvigeijhyfgsehvghfg huihauibjhsgbvshfghibgbu

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alice is 14 on

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what are 2,011 pennies worth

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The easyest game

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