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Second Evolvence is Mashstomp. Third Evolvence is Swampert. Mudkip to Marshtomp to Swampert. My Swampert is Level 63, 235 hp

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Q: What is the Second and Third Evolvence of Mudkip?
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You get to see Steven a second time when you reach Silph Company, in Saffron City. He'll give you a Lv5 Treecko, a Lv5 Torchic, or a Lv5 Mudkip. You also get to encounter him a third time. Steven will trade his Beldum for your Forretress.

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How do you find a torchic if your starter Pokemon is mudkip?

You don't. Torchic isn't available past that first encounter with Birch, and if you picked Mudkip, you're out of luck. It's necessary that you have a friend trade it to you or have a second game to trade it over.

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Which game has mudkip in it?

Mudkip had its debut in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.

When does mudkip evolve on Pokemon diamond?

Mudkip evolves at level 16.

How do you breed a mudkip?

get it to the daycare with a ditto. they get busy and make a mudkip egg