Do you have the Tm from misty if so you can check in the description of the move, if you don't have the TM look for a pokemon that knows water pulse and check the powerpoints using "summary".
you cant
Fire Pokemon
fire water and thunder fire water and thunder
Fire-type Pokemon are weak against Water, Rock, and Ground-type attacks.
Ice and Grass are weak fire isn't affective against steel and water all the other types can have alot and a little but that depends on the level of that certain Pokemon (sorry about the bold face)
The powerpoints of the move Water Pulse is 20.
not in fire red
you cant
You teach a water Pokemon mimic and when a fire Pokemon shoots a fire attack your Pokemon will shoot it to!!
if you picked grass he has fire if you picked fire he has water and if you picked water he has grass
Fire Pokemon
fire water and thunder fire water and thunder
Water, ground, and rock.
Fire, Rock
Fire-type Pokemon are weak against Water, Rock, and Ground-type attacks.
Fire-type Pokemon are weak against Ground, Rock, and Water-type attacks.
Usauly you use water Pokemon to attack fire pokemons regards Jack