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Q: What is the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon link cable wonder mail?
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What is the item that machoke lack to evolves in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

A Link Cable

How do you trade Pokemon from mystery dungeon to Pokemon coloseum on the GameCube?

Try getting a link cable for a gameboy and the gamecube then see if there is an option somewhere in Pokemon Colloseum. However, I don't believe you can trade Pokemon from Pokemon mystery dungeon to another game.

What item do you have to hold to evolve into machamp on Pokemon mystery dungeon blue verion?

Link cable

Can you trade Pokemon from mystery dungeon?

No, Pokemon cannot be traded in or out of a Mystery Dungeon series game to any other game. However, Pokemon that evolve by trading can still evolve in Mystery Dungeon by using an item known as the link cable, which is found in the game. I know that this item can be found in Solar Cave in the older Mystery Dungeon games, in place of the Hidden Machines found in the locked chambers.

How do you evolve machoke on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explores of sky?

I think you need a link cable to evolve machoke.

How do you evolve a rydon on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2?

You need the protecter and a link cable. then you go to luminous springs.

What is the Action replay cheat for a Link Cable on Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of the sky?

you dont use the action replay for a link cable. just go on if i did it wrong, go on and put on wonder mail s generator.

Where to find link cable in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

Solar Cave. You might need a key to open the box. You can find a link cable inside.

How do you get a poliwirl in Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team to evolve into a politoed?

link cable, and a kings rock. that's it!

What item is needed to evolve kadabra in Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team?

you need the item link cable

Who does upgrade help evolve in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team?

I believe it evolves porygon into porygon2, along with a link cable.

Where can you find a link cable in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2?

sometimes you will find a kelcon shop in dungeons and if you see a tiny box on it it might be a link cable or you can get them as a reward on the job buliten board