The Air Force boxing match featured these.
Answer: FIGHTER PILOTS, vigil, staff, patchy, morale
A Jumble artist's cartoon is a… answer: LINE DRAWING, agile, union, rudder, waiver
Daily Jumble 1/10/11 The Arctic explorer said his headgear was a… Answer: POLAR ICE CAP (cynic, limbo, teapot, pardon)
Daily Jumble 12/19/14:The most popular items at the German deli were the...answer: "WURST" MEATS (spurn, adopt, sesame, twelve)
Absent Minded
Santa's helper was suffering from… Answer: LOW "ELF" ESTEEM, wafer, smell, denote, pellet
When Lou Ferrigno found out he'd be playing the Hulk on TV, he thought it was this. Answer: INCREDIBLE, twice, rebel, dredge, flying
The documentary about the history of camping featured… Answer: PAST 'TENTS', bliss, crypt, intact, octane
A Jumble artist's cartoon is a… answer: LINE DRAWING, agile, union, rudder, waiver
Daily Jumble 1/10/11 The Arctic explorer said his headgear was a… Answer: POLAR ICE CAP (cynic, limbo, teapot, pardon)
Daily Jumble 12/15/15:When the scarecrows had an outing, they had a...Answer: FIELD DAY (manly, swell, fatten, birdie)
2nd Dec' 2011 : DSIP 8th Dec' 2011 : MC 13th Dec' 2011 : SS 18th Dec' 2011 : RAI 22nd Dec' 2011 : E-Com
13 weeks
42,880,653 as of. Dec 2011 according to IRS tecords
Daily Jumble 12/19/14:The most popular items at the German deli were the...answer: "WURST" MEATS (spurn, adopt, sesame, twelve)
Real Madrid vs Barcelona live Dec 10, 2011 - 4:00pm (US/Eastern) Spain La Liga ( El Clasico 2011-2012 ) Venue:Estadio Santiago Bernabéu (Madrid)
Daily Jumble 12/23/11 Clue: Valley Avenue in Bangor is a… Answer: 'MAINE' STREET (verge, wing, batter, simile)