A Jumble artist's cartoon is a… answer: LINE DRAWING, agile, union, rudder, waiver
When his sweet potato was undercooked, he did this. Answer: YAMMERED (merge, amuse, idiocy, decade)
The skunk hoodlums… answer: "REEKED" HAVOC, hiker, rodeo, voiced, loaded
When junior got into the yarn, mom became… Answer: UNRAVELED, drama, elegy, vandal, trudge
The designs for the new eyeglasses were chosen after this. Answer: FOCUS TESTING, gloat, dress, cotton, purify
A Jumble artist's cartoon is a… answer: LINE DRAWING, agile, union, rudder, waiver
Daily Jumble 12/28/12 A Jumble artist's cartoon is a… answer: LINE DRAWING (agile, union, rudder, waiver)
Getting fired was this to the anchorman. Answer: NEWS TO HIM, house, tipsy, salmon, wisdom
The waterfowl in Lisbon were this. Answer: "PORTU-GEESE", usher, grove, utopia, piglet
The skunk hoodlums… answer: "REEKED" HAVOC, hiker, rodeo, voiced, loaded
When his sweet potato was undercooked, he did this. Answer: YAMMERED (merge, amuse, idiocy, decade)
Kids on Halloween are often… Answer: TREATED WELL, watch, droll, rotate, rebuke
They did this when they delivered the clock. Answer: MADE GOOD TIME, match, movie, embody, indigo
She was struggling in geometry because there was a… Answer: LEARNING CURVE, conga, larva, crunch, beside
When Shakespeare was a child, he liked to do this. Answer: PLAY OUTSIDE, youth, daisy, haggle, abrupt
After a round of golf, the billionaire always left with his… Answer: DRIVER, avian, adult, spruce, ironic
The concert in Death Valley had… Answer: LOW ATTENDANCE, cycle, wound, beaten, banter