

Best Answer

there is no actual best deck just make your own and wen u think its ok test it out on a character to see how good u do

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Q: What is the Best deck in Yu-Gi-Oh tag force?
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YOUR FACE and cyber cards

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Beat the Obolisk Blue Tournament.

Who is the best tag partner in Yugioh GX Tag Force 2?

yusi and jack atlas

What is the best Yu-Gi-Oh gx game for the psp?

yugioh gx tag force 3 i guess but yugioh 5ds tag force is aw well played in psp

How do you get deck recipes on yu-gi-oh GX tagforce 2?

You get deck recipes for Yugioh GX Tag Force 2 by beating the game with your partner.

How do you get the alien cards in yugioh gx tag force evolution?

I beg you to quit on your alien deck. I had one and it failed so much

Can you use Deck Recipe in yugioh Gx Tag Force 2?

yes you can,you must patner with one duelist,then finish the story mode

What is the number card code for slifer the sky dragon?

If your looking to add the god cards to your deck on yugioh gx tag force 2 or 3 you need to use tag force 1 on tag force 2 on umd game thing or if you want them on tag force 3 you need to use 1 and 2

Is yugi in yugioh 5ds tag force 5?


On Yugioh gx tag force evolution how to invite jaden yuki as your partner on tag force?

get him to 7 hearts

How do you unlock the sacred beasts in Yugioh gx tag force?

in tag force 1 you need to beat the game, not sure about tag force 2 or 3

Where do you get stardust dragon in yu gi oh gx tagforce 3?

Stardust dragon is not available in yugioh gx tag force 3 as it is a gx version. Only a 5ds version such as yugioh 5ds tag force 4 would have stardust. So, try getting yugioh 5ds tag force 4.