there is no action replay code for park balls (pokemon masta rulez!)
Jo momma is
yes but only on the Pokemon in pal park not anywhereelse
when u migrate a pokemon, it appears in pal park, u catch it there with park balls.
You need to see all the Sinnoh Pokemon, go and show the Prof in Sandgem Town your Pokedex, and he will tell you about Pal Park. Save your game and turn your DS off. Then slot your Pokemon Emerald Game Cartridge into the bottom of the DS and turn it on. Go on Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, and this time on the title screen it will say: Migrate From Emerald. Click on it and you can choose any Pokemon from your PC in Emerald and they will later be in the Pal Park. YOU CANNOT GET YOUR POKEMON BACK ONCE TRANSFERED TO DIAMOND/PEARL. Once you've picked your Pokemon, continue your Diamond/Pearl game and surf off the beach in Sandgem Town until you hit an island. Go through the grass and you will be at a place called Pal Park. The man in the entrance once you have entered the building will tell you about Pal Park, then you can enter, and the 7 Pokemon you chose from your Emerald PC will be available to catch in the wild. The Pal Park balls are just like Master Balls so you will always catch the Pokemon. You have now migrated your Pokemon from Emerald to Diamond. You must catch all 7 of the migrated Pokemon before leaving the Pal Park. They will each be in different habitats. Once you have caught all 7, they will be in your PC. Hope This Helped
Pal park is what you use if you transfer Pokemon over from your GBA game. You then go to pal park and catch the Pokemon you transferred.
you can only use them at pal park
Only for Pal Park. They act like Master Balls.
no but if you give them to Pokemon in r/s/e and then use pal park you can get alot
Jo momma is
It is for transferring Pokemon from the GBA games to diamond/pearl/platinum. They will appear in the grass and you have to catch them with Pal Park Balls
No but you just have to unlock the national pokedex to unlock the pal park then migrate them from any 3rd gen Pokemon game.
The Pokemon u migrate to diamond pearl or platinum go to the pal park on route 221 were u can catch them with park balls that r the equvilant of a masterball but can only be used in the palpark
it is impossible to do that without a cheat or code, in order to get a cheat or code u must have an R4 or and chip that's knows cheats for Pokemon is impossible to do that without a cheat or code, in order to get a cheat or code u must have an R4 or and chip that's knows cheats for Pokemon diamond.
from your GBA
TO get the regis migrate the one you want with 5 other Pokemon to diamond (get the regis in Pokemon R/S/E) and go to pal park Go catch them with GS like balls with a catch rate the same as a master ball O_O
yes but only on the Pokemon in pal park not anywhereelse
i heard you can talk to the old man inside the house next to pal park. or you can beat the leader in the warehouse, or cheat.