A word that starts with E and ends with A: extravaganza.
Word that ends with C: bloc. croc. zinc.
a word that starts with k and ends in n is known
A word that starts with E and ends with U: ecru.
The word impromptu begins with i and ends with u.
tinier, retina, retain
All I know is that it is a 8 letter word and the 6letter word is i
YES ITS A WORD!!! It's the answer to the "Gry Riddle"
Hungry is divided into syllables like so: hun-gry.
The 6letter word woth the second letter 'E' and the units for it is newtons is weight.
Angry has two syllables. An-gry.
A gry is an old English measure for length, defined as 1/10 of a line, where line is another measure of length, defined as 1/12 inch.
Vincent Gry's birth name is Vincent Jarlros Gry.
Gry Bay's birth name is Gry Wernberg Nisted Bay.
Johan Gry's birth name is Gry, Sven Johan Volund Alfsson.
Gry Larsen was born in 1975.