Thought is one.
The second letter of zygomas is y.
Five letter words with second letter x are:excelexertextraaxiomexpel
An eight letter word with x as a second letter is exciting.
A five letter word, second letter F is after or often.
Thought is one.
Sincere is stressed on the second syllable. A simple way of testing which syllable is stressed is by saying the word aloud. Look for the syllable that you naturally emphasise more in your speech.
On Second Thought was created in 1989-11.
Whatever you decide, it'll be clever.
No, the word clever does not have a long e sound. The first e in clever is a short e, and the second e is a weak sound (or shwa). The word cleaver, in comparison, has a long e sound.
But, on second thought
on second thoughts
On Second Thought - 2008 was released on: USA: April 2008 (WorldFest Houston)
The cast of On a Second Thought - 2009 includes: Radu Vlad as Banech
The cast of A Second Thought - 2012 includes: Veronica Mejia as Woman
The cast of On Second Thought - 2012 includes: Andrew Welenc as Robb Burr