There are currently 493 in the National Pokedex.
In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl you need the National Pokedex to get Magnemite. In Pokemon Platinum you don't need the National Pokedex to get Magnemite.
You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex You finish the Pokemon league and get the national pokedex
That pokemon is Azumarill in pokemon platinum in the national pokedex
#114 in Pokemon pearls Sinnoh pokedex in Unown. But in the National pokedex it is Tangela.
Rotom is #479 in the national pokedex, and it is an Electric-Ghost type Pokemon.
In the sinnoh pokedex rotom is number 152 but in the national pokedex rotom is number 479 and chickorita is number 152
You do need the national pokedex for the Pokemon modifier. the Pokemon modifier uses the national pokedex numbes. you can not use the sinno pokedex.
There are 493 Pokemon in the current National Pokedex.
Pokemon #4 in the National Pokedex is Charmander.
Bulbasaur is #1 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass-Poison type Pokemon.
Budew is #406 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass-Poison type Pokemon.
Barboach is #339 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Ground type Pokemon.
Darkrai is #491 in the national pokedex, and it is a Dark type Pokemon.
Absol is #359 in the national pokedex, and it is a Dark type Pokemon.
well you need to have all your Pokemon in your pokedex and when you get your national pokedex you will get breed
Shellder is #90 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.