The 3-headed monster is called the Wither, it was added on the halloween 2012 update.
There is a foreign creature game called foreign creature scene, that comes after foreign creature 2
Funland 3 is a map in minecraft, not a server.
you cant funland 3 is a way higher version of minecraft
The 3 existing modes on minecraft are adventure, survival and creative.
Surely Fluffy, the 3-headed giant dog, would qualify.
Human-headed lamb.
The most common creature in minecraft are cows, pig, chickens and shepp. But it also depends on the seed
The nine headed creature was a hydra
Double-headed eagle
The many-headed hydra is a fearsome creature.
You call it a double headed creature.
you put arms on your creature then take of the hands and but on a mouth and eyes
A terrible dog.
The answer to what is a Jabbawakki is ... ... nearly there... ... Got it! it is a small big-headed creature. LOL!!!
a devil is a ugly fat egg headed creature who likes to kill people
The three-headed dog that guards Hades is Cerberus.