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It is Riolu, the pre-evolved form of Lucario. You get its egg from a guy called Riley on Iron Island in the cave.=)

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Q: What is the 115th Pokemon in Sinnoh region?
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Can you get to the Sinnoh region in Pokemon white?

No there is no way to get to Sinnoh.

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You can't go to the sinnoh region.

What is the 114th Pokemon in the Sinnoh Region Pokedex?

Unknown is the 114th Pokemon in the sinnoh dex.

Can you get to other regions in Pokemon Diamond?

The Sinnoh region is the only region in Pokemon Diamond, although the area in the northeast of Sinnoh is like a mini-region.

What region is Pokemon platinum based in?

the sinnoh region.

Is Pokemon sapphire in the Sinnoh region?

No it is in the Hoenn Region

What DS game has the Sinnoh region?

The Sinnoh region was one of the Pokemon regions. Sinnoh took place in all 3 of these games: Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

What is a Giratina?

it is a pokemon from the sinnoh region.

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What is a sinnoh dex?

A pokedex containing pokemon found in the Sinnoh region.