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Q: How many Pokemon are in the Sinnoh region pokedex?
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How many Pokemon are there in the national pokedex?

In the Sinnoh region there are 493. In the Unova region there are 649.

How many Pokemon are in the sinnoh pokedex?

there are 210 Pokemon in the sinnoh dex

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in sinnoh 210

How many Pokemon are in the Sinnoh dex?

150 hope i helped :) Actually there are 151 pokemon in the Sinnoh Pokedex but you only have to see 150 to get the National Pokedex.

How many Pokemon are in the normal pokedex in pokemon pearl?

In the Sinnoh Pokedex, there are 493, from (#1) Turtwig to (#493) Arceus.

What do you get for catching every sinnoh Pokemon on the sinnoh dex?

You get the National Pokedex, which allows you to catch all the Pokemon from other regions. Including Shuppet. :) -ShuppetGirl. Why bother getting other Pokemon from different regions, you can get some of them in Sinnoh region like fearow, raticate & many

How many pokemon are in the original pokedex?

There're 156. National Pokédex nos. 494 to 649.

How many Pokemon are there from the Kanto Region through the Sinnoh Region?

493 Pokemon total Kanto:151 Pokemon Johto: 100 Pokemon Hoen: 135 Pokemon Sinnoh:107 Pokemon

How many Pokemon is in the hoenn region?

It's the HOENN pokedex and there's 200-135 hoenn Pokemon and 65 others.

How many Pokemon shoud be in your pokedex when it is all filled up?

sinnoh dex has 210 Pokemon. national dex has 493 Pokemon

How many Pokemon are in the diamond version pokedex?

149 in the Sinnoh Pokédex. 493 in the National Pokédex.

How many flying type Pokemon are in the Sinnoh region?

too many to count