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Use Fighting type attacks

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Q: What is super effective against slaking?
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What Pokemon are good against slaking?

Slaking: A normal type which is heavy and sleepy. The perfect match would be Primeape. Primeape has an ability which enables it to stay awake when its foe tries to make it sleep. Since Slaking usually knows Yawn, this is a good advantage. Primeape is also a fighting type which would be super-effective against Slaking. Also, if you teach it Low Kick- which is more effective on heavier pokemon- you have a winning stratedgy against Slaking. Just make sure it has a high enough level.

What is slaking weak against?

Slaking is weak against Fighting-type moves.

What super effective against fighting?

Flying and Psychic are super effective against fighting

What is lightning super effective against?

Lightning is super effective against Water and Flying types in Pokémon battles.

What is super effective against gallade?

Ghost & Flying. I believe that's it! Not dark or bug because although they're super-effective against Psychic, they are not-effective against Fighting. And not Psychic, because though it's super-effective against Fighting, it's not-effective against Psychic.

What is super effective against onix Pokemon?

Water and Grass attacks are super effective against Onix.

Whats super effective against dark?

Bug Type and Fighting Type moves are super effective against it.

What is super effective against crobat?

Rock, electric, ice, and psychic types are super effective against Crobat.

On Pokemon ruby what is Steel super effective against?

Steel is super effective against rock type pokemon.

What is super effective against koffing?

psychic pokemons and attacks are super effective

What type is super effective against psycic in diamond?

super effective is bug

What type is super effective against normal Pokemon?

normal type Pokemon are not super effective against any type.