You get a Pokemon that's effective against Phychic or Flying. Personally, I wouldn't defeat Lugia...
Ghost & Flying. I believe that's it! Not dark or bug because although they're super-effective against Psychic, they are not-effective against Fighting. And not Psychic, because though it's super-effective against Fighting, it's not-effective against Psychic.
Water and Grass attacks are super effective against Onix.
Rock, electric, ice, and psychic types are super effective against Crobat.
Steel is super effective against rock type pokemon.
Lugia! Lugia's water type moves are super effective to ho-oh! Unfortunately, for some reason, Lugia isn't a water type!!! So ho-ohs fire type won't be not very effective, but Lugia's water moves will still be super effective if you use water moves
the moves that i have my lugia use are extrasensory,fly,aeroblast and hydro pump that way it is good even against grass type Pokemon which are super effective!
Lugia and Palkia are super effective
Lugia is a psychic/flying type. Despite being a legendary pokémon, it still has the normal weaknesses for this type. The weaknesses of Lugia are (super-effective against Lugia, 2x): Dark, Electric, Ghost, Ice and Rock. However, it is immune to Ground.
You get a Pokemon that's effective against Phychic or Flying. Personally, I wouldn't defeat Lugia...
Flying and Psychic are super effective against fighting
Lightning is super effective against Water and Flying types in Pokémon battles.
Ghost & Flying. I believe that's it! Not dark or bug because although they're super-effective against Psychic, they are not-effective against Fighting. And not Psychic, because though it's super-effective against Fighting, it's not-effective against Psychic.
Water and Grass attacks are super effective against Onix.
It doesn't what poke`mon you use. As long As you make sure that all of the healing circle's are all super effective like grass against water against ground against thunder against bird poke`mon. Make sure that all chamber's are full when you put Lugia in one it should be pure.
Just put 4 hoppips in each one. they are grass and flying, and only one type needs to be super effective against another.
Bug Type and Fighting Type moves are super effective against it.