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Lucario is fighting and steel so: fire(x2), ground(x2), fighting(x2). hope this helps!! :)

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Q: What is super effective against Lucario?
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What Pokemon is super effective against Lucario?

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a fighting assist is good against a Pokemon lucario.... it enhances the power of the styler line and fighting is also super effective against lucario making lucario alot easier i think a steel type poke assist. Why? Because it make Lucario paused.

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fairy type was introduced in Pokémon x and y there super effective against dragon howether weak against Poison and steel for example sylveon vs lucario? lucario as an advantage over sylveon

What Pokemon type is most effective against Lucario?

Lucario- Fighting and Steel type. Lucario can learn moves of every type except for Grass and Flying type moves. However, Lucario's most powerful moves are Fighting Type so it is good to use Flying, Ghost, Poison, Psychic or Bug Types. As for what moves you should use, Fire, Fighting and Ground Type moves are all super effective.

What super effective against fighting?

Flying and Psychic are super effective against fighting

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Lightning is super effective against Water and Flying types in Pokémon battles.

What is super effective against gallade?

Ghost & Flying. I believe that's it! Not dark or bug because although they're super-effective against Psychic, they are not-effective against Fighting. And not Psychic, because though it's super-effective against Fighting, it's not-effective against Psychic.

What is super effective against onix Pokemon?

Water and Grass attacks are super effective against Onix.

Whats super effective against dark?

Bug Type and Fighting Type moves are super effective against it.

What is super effective against crobat?

Rock, electric, ice, and psychic types are super effective against Crobat.

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Steel is super effective against rock type pokemon.

What is super effective against koffing?

psychic pokemons and attacks are super effective