Found everything about Lucario here:
Steel is super effective against rock type pokemon.
ground type Pokemon are super effective against poison type Pokemon.
Lucario is fighting and steel so: fire(x2), ground(x2), fighting(x2). hope this helps!! :)
Rock, electric and ice are super effective against flying type pokemon.
Water and Grass attacks are super effective against Onix.
a fighting assist is good against a Pokemon lucario.... it enhances the power of the styler line and fighting is also super effective against lucario making lucario alot easier i think a steel type poke assist. Why? Because it make Lucario paused.
Steel is super effective against rock type pokemon.
ground type Pokemon are super effective against poison type Pokemon.
Ghost and Dark attacks are super effective against Ghost type pokemon.
Lucario is fighting and steel so: fire(x2), ground(x2), fighting(x2). hope this helps!! :)
Rock, electric and ice are super effective against flying type pokemon.
Water and Grass attacks are super effective against Onix.
normal type Pokemon are not super effective against any type.
Phycic pkm are super effective against fighting pkm. and flying larson
using super effective Pokemon against his' Pokemon you'll need a super effective Pokemon against his starter but you don't need to win with super effective Pokemon just stock up on potions that's what I do.
Fighting and Bug types are super effective.
Earth and water Pokemon are good against electric Pokemon.