If you breed a gold and silver chao, you can get * a Gold chao * a Silver chao * a Gold chao with silver highlights * Or a Silver chao with gold highlights If you didn't get any of these, somethings wrong with your gamecube/dreamcast
In Gold and silver you can get 1 at silver mountain, however you can not get it in heart gold or soul silver.
u can say that they both are same in the attack bonus but silver sword is stronger in strengh bonus
its the silver apercorn in Pokemon silver and its the gold apercorn in Pokemon gold
Shadow is both stronger and faster than Silver the Hedgehog. As seen in Sonic 06 where Shadow beats Silver in a fight after the Radical Train level.
White gold is generally stronger than silver.
White gold is generally stronger than silver.
White gold is stronger and has a better quality than silver does.
No. It is rather soft in pure form.
Gold jewelry is often alloyed with other metals such as copper, silver, or nickel to make it stronger and more durable. The purity of gold is measured in karats, so a lower karat gold alloy (e.g. 14k) will typically be stronger than higher karat gold (e.g. 18k or 24k).
Gold is stronger than silver. Gold is more resistant to corrosion, tarnishing, and wear than silver, which can be softer and more prone to damage. This is why gold is often used in high-value jewelry and coins that need to withstand the test of time.
The price of gold and silver is decreasing due to factors such as a stronger US dollar, rising interest rates, and reduced demand from investors.
Gold and silver are both precious metals with different characteristics. Gold is generally softer than silver, which means it can be more easily bent or scratched. However, gold is more resistant to corrosion than silver. Overall, gold is considered more valuable than silver because of its scarcity and cultural significance.
heartgold is better because lugia is stronger in heartgold and lugia is stronger than ho-oh
No. Electrum is a mix of gold and silver, and is much softer (weaker) than iron.
To increase the strength of gold, it can be alloyed with other metals such as copper or silver. This creates a new material, such as 14k or 18k gold, which is stronger and more durable than pure gold. Additionally, the gold can be hardened through processes like heat treatment or cold working to enhance its strength.
The silver sufer is way stronger