Steel is good against rock and ice
Don't use it on electric, fire, water, or itself
but otherwise it's okay and it's immune to poison. :)
Fire, Fighting and Ground Type moves are super effective against Steel Types.
The type that is Strong against Steel Is water at least that is one that I know.
Poison and Steel type moves are good against Fairy type Pokemon.
Fire Steel Rock Fighting
Fire and ground type Pokémon.
Fire, Fighting and Ground Type moves are super effective against Steel Types.
The type that is Strong against Steel Is water at least that is one that I know.
If you want to know what Types of Pokemon that are Strong against STEEL-Type attacks there is ELECTRIC, WATER, STEEL and FIRE. I'll just add that STEEL-Type Pokemon are weak against FIGHT, FIRE and GROUND attacks.
Poison and Steel type moves are good against Fairy type Pokemon.
Fire Steel Rock Fighting
I think Charizard would win because Lucario is fighting and steel type and Charizard is Fire {strong against steel} and Flying {strong against fighting}
Since Charizard is a Fire/Flying-type, it can easily knock out a Grass, Bug, Steel, Fighting, and Ice-type Pokemon, if it has both a Fire and Flying-type move like Flamethrower and Fly.
Fire and ground type Pokémon.
Electric-Type moves are strong against Water-Types and Flying-Types. Electric-Type Pokémon are strong against Flying-Types, Steel-Types, and other Electric-Types.
Psychic type moves are not effective against other Psychic types and Steel Types.
poison, electric, fire, rock, and steel
No. Fire-Types are strong against Grass-Types, Bug-Types, Ice-Types, and Steel-Types. Dark-Types are weak against Bug-Types and Fighting-Types.