Metagross is a Steel/Psychic type, therefore it is weak to...GroundFire
You may have to reword that question. But I will answer this question assuming that you mean "What are steel type's weakness in Pokemon?". Fire, fighting, and ground.
Steel has a couple weaknesses. Fire, fighting* and ground are the steels biggest weakness. And then there is the fact that many steel types have a secondary typing such as magneton witch is a dual steel and electric type so ground is 4x effective. *Keep in mind that all steel types have awesome physical defenses so fighting is only technically strong against steel.
well its ice and dark so i guess fire/bug/rock/ghost/steel
Fairy type Pokemon are weak to Poison and Steel type Pokemon.
the strength is steel and the weakness is its weight
The biggest weakness for steel as a building material for ships would be rust from the water constantly touching the steel cold water temperatures can also make the steel brittle and weak so that is also counted as a major weakness as well.
Fire, fighting, rock and steel.
Ice, fighting, bug, and steel.
I say AGGRON because it is a steel type and steel have the least weakness.
water and probably grass types
Ice, fighting, bug, and steel.
His weaknesses are water, grass, fighting, ground and steel
the strength is steel and the weakness is its weight
the strength is steel and the weakness is its weight
the strength is steel and the weakness is its weight
Electric, fire, steel, rock and poison.