it is undetectable on xbox live, if it isn't stealth than it will get detected and will shoot slow until the game ends then it will get detected again next game.
Suck a d...
I'm a Xbox Live Ambassador, and using a modded controller on the Xbox LIVE service violates the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use and will result in a suspension.
If that is a modded, or has been messed with, it is agianst game rules to use in game.
60 to over a 100
It is a modded XBOX or Playstation controller that includes all the add-on mods they offer at a discounted price.
I would buy the Kinect for your Xbox but not a modded controller as you will get suspended if you play with a modded controller.
A modded controller helps you fire rapidly and other things. It also can get you suspened from the Xbox LIVE service. If you are going to get a Modded controller I would get it from I heard that theirs are the only ones that don't get suspended from xbox live.
I wouldn't buy one as you can get a suspension from Xbox LIVE if you have a modded controller.
No, but you can get suspended from Xbox Live for using one.
A modded controller is not considered fair because it give the user an unfair advantage. Using a modded controller is another form of cheating.
You can get suspended from Xbox Live.
Suck a d...
I'm a Xbox Live Ambassador, and using a modded controller on the Xbox LIVE service violates the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use and will result in a suspension.
If you use a modded controller you will be suspended from Xbox LIVE. A modded contoller is an Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct violation not a game rule violation.
You can use the mod chip for modified Xbox controller by yourself, or you can buy it from online store or game store.