You shift + click the mailbox and spawn should appear
You type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then hold shift on your sim and click spawn tom's clothing tester.
B, Z, Up, Down, B to spawn the Cheat Gnome.
If your sim is in a profession (architectual designer, stylist etc.), if you enter the testingcheatsenabled cheat and shift-click on a lot, you have the option to spawn a job. For example, if your sim was an architectual designer and you shift-clicked on a house lot, you will get a job to renovate the house
In Sims 2 you can open 2 types of bars. Residential bars can be placed in residential lots or a community bar can be placed on a 2 by 3 plot of land in a community lot. Community bars will spawn a bartender.
You shift + click the mailbox and spawn should appear
On the game Sims a player can spawn a variety of objects. They do this by collecting, building, and being sent items.
This isn't really a cheat but more of a mod/download. It's called an insinerator or something on that line. when your playing Sims with the mod on you click your mouse on the ground near you Sims and click spawn, then you choose on of the spawn items, then you click the spawn item and search for a spell increasing icon. I reckon it would be the skills adjuster spawn. The main problem with this is that you have to find this download first. I hope you find it, because it helps a lot. PS: maybe try or a Sims 2 download site
boolprop testingcheatsenable true -> spawn -> Tombstone of L&D you can also download it on
You type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then hold shift on your sim and click spawn tom's clothing tester.
I'm pretty sure they didn't have BoolProp in sims 1. Try deleting your sims- if I remember, correctly, they should re-spawn.
B, Z, Up, Down, B to spawn the Cheat Gnome.
go to the cheat mode and do "boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true" and then hold shift and click on your sim. Then click "spawn" when you click on spawn it will have some choices press more until you find "sim modder" then a standing baby then click on it and it will say "set age" and many more click on "set age" and it will give you 5 choices "toddler, child, teen, adult, and elder" and then click which one you want. -coolpang15
If your sim is in a profession (architectual designer, stylist etc.), if you enter the testingcheatsenabled cheat and shift-click on a lot, you have the option to spawn a job. For example, if your sim was an architectual designer and you shift-clicked on a house lot, you will get a job to renovate the house
In Sims 2 you can open 2 types of bars. Residential bars can be placed in residential lots or a community bar can be placed on a 2 by 3 plot of land in a community lot. Community bars will spawn a bartender.
General Cheatsrepaircar - Repair Cargoodygoody - No Police Notorietyoops - No Gang Notorietynotrated - Bloody Mess (bodies explode)vroom - No Car Damagelolz - Increase Gang Notorietypissofpigs - Increase Police Notorietycheese - Give Cash ($100,000)whatitmeanstome - Give Respectfryhole - Heavenboundrunfast - Infinite Sprintgoody goody - No Cop Notorietyoops - No Gang Notoriety---Vehicle Cheatsgivemunicipal - Spawn a Municipalgivephoenix - Spawn a Phoenixgivesquasar - Spawn a Squasargivetaxi - Spawn a Taxigiveembulance - Spawn a Ambulancegiveanchor - Spawn a Anchorgiveattrazione - Spawn a Attrazionegivebootlegger - Spawn a Bootleggergivechallenger - Spawn a Challengergivecommander - Spawn a Commandergivecondor - Spawn a Condorgiveeagle - Spawn an Eaglegiveestrada - Spawn an Estradagivegatmobile - Spawn a Gatmobilegivekanada - Spawn a Kanadagivekenshin - Spawn a Kenshingiveknoxville - Spawn a Knoxvillegivekobra - Spawn a Korbragivekrukov - Spawn a Krukovgivemiami - Spawn a Miamigivenforcer - Spawn an Nforcergivepeacemaker - Spawn a Peacemakergivereaper - Spawn a Reaperrepaircar - Spawn a Repaircargiverpg - Spawn a RPGgivesandstorm - Spawn a Sandstormgivesatchel - Spawn a Satchel Chargegiveshark - Spawn a Sharkgivesheperd - Spawn a Sheperdgivespectre - Spawn a Spectregivestatusquo - Spawn a Status Quogivetitan - Spawn a Titangivetoad - Spawn a Toadgivetornado - Spawn a Tornadogivevortex - Spawn a Vortexgivevtol - Spawn a VTOLgivevulture - Spawn a Vulturegivewidowmaker - Spawn a Widowmakergivewoodpecker - Spawn a Woodpecker---Weapon Cheatsgivecyber - Cyberdestructorgivegrenade - Grenadegivechainsaw - Chainsawgiveminigun - Minigungivemolotov - Molotovgiveairstrike - Air Strikegivedrone - Dronegiverpg - RPGgivesatchel - Satchelgivekrukov - K-8 Krukovgiveultimax - As3 Ultimaxgivehammer - Hammergivetek - Tek Z-10giveapoca - Apocafists---Weather Cheatsclearskies- Sunny weatherovercast- Cloudy weatherlightrain- Rainy weatherheavyrain - Very stormy weather---Pedestrian Cheatsdui - Drunk pedestrianshohoho - Pedestrians become pimps and prostitutesmascot - Pedestrians become mascotsbrains - Pedestrians become Zombies
General Cheatsrepaircar - Repair Cargoodygoody - No Police Notorietyoops - No Gang Notorietynotrated - Bloody Mess (bodies explode)vroom - No Car Damagelolz - Increase Gang Notorietypissofpigs - Increase Police Notorietycheese - Give Cash ($100,000)whatitmeanstome - Give Respectfryhole - Heavenboundrunfast - Infinite Sprintgoody goody - No Cop Notorietyoops - No Gang Notoriety---Vehicle Cheatsgivemunicipal - Spawn a Municipalgivephoenix - Spawn a Phoenixgivesquasar - Spawn a Squasargivetaxi - Spawn a Taxigiveembulance - Spawn a Ambulancegiveanchor - Spawn a Anchorgiveattrazione - Spawn a Attrazionegivebootlegger - Spawn a Bootleggergivechallenger - Spawn a Challengergivecommander - Spawn a Commandergivecondor - Spawn a Condorgiveeagle - Spawn an Eaglegiveestrada - Spawn an Estradagivegatmobile - Spawn a Gatmobilegivekanada - Spawn a Kanadagivekenshin - Spawn a Kenshingiveknoxville - Spawn a Knoxvillegivekobra - Spawn a Korbragivekrukov - Spawn a Krukovgivemiami - Spawn a Miamigivenforcer - Spawn an Nforcergivepeacemaker - Spawn a Peacemakergivereaper - Spawn a Reaperrepaircar - Spawn a Repaircargiverpg - Spawn a RPGgivesandstorm - Spawn a Sandstormgivesatchel - Spawn a Satchel Chargegiveshark - Spawn a Sharkgivesheperd - Spawn a Sheperdgivespectre - Spawn a Spectregivestatusquo - Spawn a Status Quogivetitan - Spawn a Titangivetoad - Spawn a Toadgivetornado - Spawn a Tornadogivevortex - Spawn a Vortexgivevtol - Spawn a VTOLgivevulture - Spawn a Vulturegivewidowmaker - Spawn a Widowmakergivewoodpecker - Spawn a Woodpecker---Weapon Cheatsgivecyber - Cyberdestructorgivegrenade - Grenadegivechainsaw - Chainsawgiveminigun - Minigungivemolotov - Molotovgiveairstrike - Air Strikegivedrone - Dronegiverpg - RPGgivesatchel - Satchelgivekrukov - K-8 Krukovgiveultimax - As3 Ultimaxgivehammer - Hammergivetek - Tek Z-10giveapoca - Apocafists---Weather Cheatsclearskies- Sunny weatherovercast- Cloudy weatherlightrain- Rainy weatherheavyrain - Very stormy weather---Pedestrian Cheatsdui - Drunk pedestrianshohoho - Pedestrians become pimps and prostitutesmascot - Pedestrians become mascotsbrains - Pedestrians become zombies