Seethem2 is a downloadable package for your sims it only work on the sims 2 double deluxe you can take off the blur when they bathe and you could do other things like move furniture in directions you couldn't do before its really neat and i have it but im deleting it today!
Go to Follow the download/install instructions and install seethem2 to your computer. Follow the instrucions in the read-me file carefully. Turn on the blur option. You do not need to put the seethem2 file into your downloads file because it automatically finds it's way to the game. I use seethem2 myself and is absolutely safe to use.
Go to and install Seethem2. Read the readme file that comes with it for information on how to use it properly.
There is no code/cheat to remove the blur. You have to go to and download/install it using there exact directions. It can be confusing so be careful.
There is no cheat to remove the blur. Although, you can install a mod from any modding website (if they have it) and install it into your game. It also works for the base game and the other expansion packs.
If you have nightlife, you can not use the centogrid cheat. There is a free download you can get, it's called seethem2. It come with censor remover, out fo grid placement, angle placement, and automatic boolprop. Copy and paste this link into your web browser to download it, it's free and it works!! there are instructions on the site of how to use it. Hope this helps!
just delete them when they come. To get rid of the blur: If you have nightlife, you can not use the centogrid cheat. There is a free download you can get, it's called seethem2. It come with censor remover, out fo grid placement, angle placement, and automatic boolprop. Copy and paste this link into your web browser to download it, it's free and it works!! there are instructions on the site of how to use it. Hope this helps!
If you have nightlife, you can not use the centogrid cheat. There is a free download you can get, it's called seethem2. It come with censor remover, out fo grid placement, angle placement, and automatic boolprop. Copy and paste this link into your web browser to download it, it's free and it works!! are instructions on the site of how to use it. Hope this helps!ACTUALLY, THERE IS A WAY TO DO IT WITHOUT DOWNLOADING ANYTHING! If you go to the main floor of your house and put someone in the tub on the second floor, and zoom out a little to where you can only see a little of the second floor (it cannot be on top-to-bottom view, and as long as you can see what you want to see of your sim, that's as much as you need to zoom out), you will have no blur at all! Hope this helped!-Marla, aka Mmaples99. P.S, This really freaked me out when i discovered it, because I wasn't trying to do it!
All you have to do is first open your cheat window by pressing ctrl + shift + C then in the window type the following: intprop censorgridsize 0 I use it all the time coz the blurr annoys me, and it's not like the sims are detailed, they have nothing in those places anyway. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Akira Akira says: well there are many ways to do this (on PC ) I created my own by accident I was trying to make big alien clothes on sims PE but then no clothes I was like "What the hell?" but anyway if you really want the naked sims on sims 2 then go on to web sites like sexysims2 and create an account for free and download what ever you want for free I am a computer programer so I know this stuff also for your non sexual sims go to modthesims2 that's also a great site "but I create my own!" also download the seethem2 download its easy to use and works great what it does is removes the censor go on the site and it explains its self just type the names into Google it works for all ages and male or female
Depends. If you are using the PC version of the first Sims just look for the move anything cheat, grab your Sim, throw him on the street .Yes, but only on Sims double deluxe not on Sims 2. I erased my Sim with the cheat and she came back with no clothes on I deleted her to make her mood better i erased her when she was in the shower and and fooling around in bed. it was actually cool because I had her make out with a bunch of guys nakedyou can also move them out of bed while fooling around and they will stop and get out and go about nude_______________________________________________________________________There is a cheat for this. I'm not sure if it works with just the base game with no expansions, but i don't see why it shouldn't.To turn off the blur over your sim when he/she is naked, type intProp censorGridSize 0 into your cheat box.To turn the blur on again put intProp censorGridSize 8into the cheatbox.To open the cheat box hold down Ctrl Shift C and a long box should appear at the top of the screen.