Beef scalded tripe is a cow's stomach. It is cooked by placing it in hot water and leaving it there until the point where it is just cooked, but not over cooked. All tripe is scalded before being sold in the United States.
Folly, scrawl, and tripe are all I can think of.
At least 195. Here are some of them: airer apery apter artery artier atrip eyrir irate irater paper papery papyri parer parity parry partier party partyer pater payer peart peaty periapt perry pieta piety piper pipet pirate prate prater prayer prepay prier pryer pyrite raper rapier rapper rarity rater repair repay retia retiary retry riper ripper riprap taper tapir tapper tarre tarry teary terai terra terry tipper tippy trapper trier tripe tripper trippy typier yapper yarer
You can make 190 using the Scrabble dictionary. Here are 93 of the more common ones: cider coder codex comer comet corgi coupe court credo crept cried crime crimp croup crude cruet cupid curie curio cutie decor demur depot detox dirge dogie doper doter drupe duper edict ergot eruct erupt getup gourd grime gripe grope group grout grump guide medic merit metro midge miter mixed mixer moire moped moper moxie muted odium opium optic outer outre oxide picot price pride prime proud prude purge recto remit remix ridge rogue rouge route tempi tempo tepid tiger timer tired topic toxic trice tried tripe tromp trope truce trump tumid tumor uteri
Aruba, Aryan, arson, arbor, arias, areas, ardor, armor, aroma, artsy, irate, irons, erase, error, orate, orcas, Oreos, Orion, organ, urban, urine, trade, trick, traps, trope, trips, tramp, track, trace, train, trail, tryst, trait, tried, treed, troll, trill, trots, trove, trees, treat, tread, tress, tripe, trite, truce, trump, truth, trust, crave, crate, cramp, cruel, crops, crimp, crook, crawl, crass, cross, craps, crabs, crack, crags, crane, craze, crazy, creep, croak, cream, creed, creak, crews, crime, crumb, cries, cribs, crust, crows, crone, crown, craft, creek, drawn, drain, drags, drips, drive/drove, drums, drill, dregs, drink/drank/drunk, dread, dream, drone, bread, break, brand, brine, brick, brain, brawn, broth, broke, bribe, brown, brake, brook, brush, broom, bride, brood, braid, brags, breed, brass, broil, brisk, great, grape, grate, graft, grill, gripe, grips, grope, grump, green, grits, group, grout, grams, grove, grave, grant, grunt, gross, grass, grade, grasp, freed, frill, freon, freak, frock, frump, froze, fried, frost, frown, fruit, frogs, krill, prawn, prick, prism, prams, pride, prise/pried, prize, price, prone, prude, prose, probe, prime, wreck, wraps, write/wrote, writs, wrath, wrong, wring/wrung...
adapt, adept, adopt, agape, aleph, arepa, ataps, atopy, beeps, blips, blype, bumph, bumps, bumpy, buppy, burps, campi, campo, camps, campy, carpi, carps, chape, chaps, chapt, chips, chops, claps, clapt, clepe, clept, clips, clipt, clops, coapt, compo, comps, compt, coops, coopt, corps, coupe, coups, coypu, crape, craps, crepe, crept, crepy, cripe, crops, crypt, culpa, cuppa, cuppy, cusps, damps, deeps, dippy, dorps, drape, drips, dript, drops, dropt, drupe, dumps, dumpy, elope, erupt, etape, flaps, flips, flops, fraps, gamps, gappy, gasps, gawps, gimps, gimpy, glops, glyph, goops, goopy, gorps, grape, graph, grapy, gripe, grips, gript, gripy, grope, gulps, gulpy, guppy, happy, harps, harpy, hasps, heaps, heapy, helps, hemps, hempy, hippo, hippy, hoops, humph, humps, humpy, inapt, inept, jaups, jeeps, jimpy, jumps, jumpy, kalpa, kappa, keeps, kelps, kelpy, kemps, kempt, khaph, knaps, knops, koppa, lamps, leaps, leapt, limpa, limps, lippy, lisps, loops, loopy, loppy, loupe, loups, lumps, lumpy, lymph, milpa, morph, mumps, myope, myopy, nappa, nappe, nappy, neaps, neeps, nippy, nymph, okapi, oomph, palpi, palps, pampa, pappi, pappy, peeps, peppy, perps, pimps, plops, pomps, poops, poppa, poppy, preps, props, pulps, pulpy, pumps, puppy, quips, quipu, ralph, ramps, rasps, raspy, reaps, repps, romps, roups, roupy, rumps, salpa, salps, samps, sappy, scape, scope, scops, scups, seeps, seepy, shape, ships, shops, simps, skeps, skips, slaps, slept, slipe, slips, slipt, slope, slops, slype, snaps, snipe, snips, soaps, soapy, soppy, soups, soupy, staph, steps, stipe, stope, stops, stopt, stupa, stupe, sumps, swaps, swept, swipe, swops, sylph, tamps, tarps, taupe, tempi, tempo, temps, tempt, tippy, traps, trapt, tripe, trips, trope, tumps, turps, typps, unapt, vamps, vampy, veeps, warps, wasps, waspy, weeps, weepy, whaps, whips, whipt, whops, whups, wimps, wimpy, wisps, wispy, woops, wraps, wrapt, yaups, yawps, yelps, yuppy, zappy, zippy
Beef scalded tripe is a cow's stomach. It is cooked by placing it in hot water and leaving it there until the point where it is just cooked, but not over cooked. All tripe is scalded before being sold in the United States.
Menudo is another word for tripe, which is the stomach of a cow. The stomach is separated from the carcass, cleaned of all contents, scalded and bleached to clean it, then packaged and shipped out for consumption.
Tripe is not muscle.
Zero carbs in tripe.
Yes, you can safely freeze tripe.
Linnaeus Tripe was born in 1822.
Linnaeus Tripe died in 1902.
tripe is the rubbery lining of the stumach of a cattle or other ruminants used as food.
No, tripe is the edible lining of a cow's stomach.
pens is the word for tripe in Dutch. This is the translation from English to Dutch.
Robert Tripe is 6' 1 1/2".
Mary Elizabeth Tripe died in 1939.