Aruba, Aryan, arson, arbor, arias, areas, ardor, armor, aroma, artsy, irate, irons, erase, error, orate, orcas, Oreos, Orion, organ, urban, urine, trade, trick, traps, trope, trips, tramp, track, trace, train, trail, tryst, trait, tried, treed, troll, trill, trots, trove, trees, treat, tread, tress, tripe, trite, truce, trump, truth, trust, crave, crate, cramp, cruel, crops, crimp, crook, crawl, crass, cross, craps, crabs, crack, crags, crane, craze, crazy, creep, croak, cream, creed, creak, crews, crime, crumb, cries, cribs, crust, crows, crone, crown, craft, creek, drawn, drain, drags, drips, drive/drove, drums, drill, dregs, drink/drank/drunk, dread, dream, drone, bread, break, brand, brine, brick, brain, brawn, broth, broke, bribe, brown, brake, brook, brush, broom, bride, brood, braid, brags, breed, brass, broil, brisk, great, grape, grate, graft, grill, gripe, grips, grope, grump, green, grits, group, grout, grams, grove, grave, grant, grunt, gross, grass, grade, grasp, freed, frill, freon, freak, frock, frump, froze, fried, frost, frown, fruit, frogs, krill, prawn, prick, prism, prams, pride, prise/pried, prize, price, prone, prude, prose, probe, prime, wreck, wraps, write/wrote, writs, wrath, wrong, wring/wrung...
Some six letter words with the second letter R and the third letter I are:arisesbribedbridalbridgebridlebrightcringecrisiscrispycriticdrippydriveldriverfridgefriendfrightfrigidfrillyfringefriskyfrizzygrievegrillegrinchgrittyorientoriginoriolepriestprimalprimerprinceprisonprivettribaltrickytrifletripletripodtrivettriviaurinalwriterwrithe
Eleven letter words with second letter U, last letter R are:bullfighterbushwhackerquicksilverrumormongersupertankersurfboarder
Some five letter words with second letter R and fourth letter W are:brawlbrawnbrowncrawlcrowdcrowndrawldrawndrownfrowngrowlgrownprawnprowltrawl
dosent exist
Some six letter words with the second letter R and the third letter I are:arisesbribedbridalbridgebridlebrightcringecrisiscrispycriticdrippydriveldriverfridgefriendfrightfrigidfrillyfringefriskyfrizzygrievegrillegrinchgrittyorientoriginoriolepriestprimalprimerprinceprisonprivettribaltrickytrifletripletripodtrivettriviaurinalwriterwrithe
Eleven letter words with second letter U, last letter R are:bullfighterbushwhackerquicksilverrumormongersupertankersurfboarder
Some five letter words with second letter R and fourth letter W are:brawlbrawnbrowncrawlcrowdcrowndrawldrawndrownfrowngrowlgrownprawnprowltrawl
anteater, endeavor, enforcer
dosent exist
Arouser, breeder, brother, crawler, crooner, drummer and grammar are 7 letter words. Additional words include gruffer, prowler, trainer, trooper and wrapper.
genro, inure, ignore
The first one that comes to mind is four; others are:anusaquablueblurboutchugchumclubcluecoupcrudcruxdaubdourdrugdrumfaunfauxfluxfoulglueglumglutgoutgrubhaulhourlaudloudloutmaulnounonusopusovumplugplumpluspoufpourpoutroutscumshunshutslugslumslursmugsmutsnubsnugsoulsoupsourspudtautthudthugthustourtrueyour
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern R---R-R--. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter R and 5th letter R and 7th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: riroriros
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern -R--R-R-. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter R and 5th letter R and 7th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: armorers orderers