You can't if someone said email your username and password to this person he is hacking you
Enter the following cheats for the desired effect: $10,000,000 more - ALT + E $1,000,000 more - ALT + D or ALT + A $1,000,000 less - ALT + S $10,000,000 less - ALT + W Extra furniture - ALT + O 10 visitors in your hotel - ALT + G
you need to enter alt-codes specific instructions would be;1.hold the alt 2-5-5 on the NUMBER PAD3.release the alt key4.hold the alt 2-5-5 on the NUMBER PAD6.release the alt key7.hold the alt 3-0 on the NUMBER PAD9.release th alt enter11.hold the alt 3-0 on the NUMBER PAD13. release the alt key14.hold the alt 2-5-5 on the NUMBER PAD16.release the alt key17.hold the alt 3-0 on the NUMBER PAD19.release the alt key20. success you have now triforced, remember and put NOKO in the email field to make sure you return to the thread you were on.
yes there are alt codes on runescape but theyre different than ones on the other things you usually type in. but somethings are the same just like this website. for exaple. ¿ is alt 5544 ¥ is alt 4253 ° is alt 55544. thers alot more than that.
We dont know but heres ROBLOXs builders club referral code gives you 400 robux sign up 22-531-918-4
uhhh roblox3?
this is rourke boulton telling the truth oh right add me on roblox to. so were was i oh yer there so popular because roblox is the Lego leader so he wont go on it and telamon and mericats plus davan100 is looking after roblox coz roblox leader wont be on it that much
You can use Build Mode or Edit Mode.
You can't if someone said email your username and password to this person he is hacking you
In this order. Alt+71 Alt+69 Alt+84 Alt+95 Alt+65 Alt+95 Alt+76 Alt+73 Alt+70 Alt+69.
Alt 1☺Happy Smiley Alt 2☻Sad Smiley Alt 3♥Heart Alt 11♂Male Sign Alt 12♀Female Sign Alt 13♪Quaver Alt 14♫Joined QuaversHold down the "Alt" key then enter the code on the numeric keypad with Num Lock onIMNumbersGreekCurrency?s and !sLetters with AccentsAlt 1☺Alt 48 - 570 - 9Alt 224αAlt 0164¤Alt 33!UppercaseLowercaseAlt 2☻Basic OperatorsAlt 225ßAlt 156£Alt 19‼Alt 0192ÀAlt 0224àAlt 3♥Alt 43+Alt 226ΓAlt 0128€Alt 173¡Alt 0193ÁAlt 0225áAlt 11♂Alt 45-Alt 235δAlt 36$Alt 63?Alt 0194ÂAlt 0226âAlt 12♀Alt 0215×Alt 238εAlt 155¢Alt 168¿Alt 0195ÃAlt 0227ãAlt 13♪Alt 0247÷Alt 233ΘAlt 157¥BracketsAlt 0196ÄAlt 0228äAlt 14♫PersAlt 227πAlt 158₧Alt 40(Alt 0199ÇAlt 0231çIPAlt 37%Alt 230μAlt 159ƒAlt 41)Alt 0200ÈAlt 0232èAlt 0169©Alt 0137‰Alt 228ΣAccentsAlt 91[Alt 0201ÉAlt 0233éAlt 169®BracketingAlt 229σAlt 0180´Alt 93]Alt 0202ÊAlt 0234êAlt 0153™Alt CodeSymbolAlt 231τAlt 0184¸Alt 123{Alt 0203ËAlt 0235ëFilled ArrowsAlt 40(Alt 232ΦWeb MarketingAlt 125}Alt 0204ÌAlt 0236ìAlt 16►Alt 41)Alt 237φbyEditingAlt 0205ÍAlt 0237íAlt 17◄Plus or MinusAlt 234Ωwww.pwp1.comAlt 28∟Alt 0206ÏAlt 0238îAlt 254■Alt 241±DrawingAlt 21§Alt 0207ÏAlt 0239ïAlt 30▲FractionsAlt 176░Alt 200╚Alt 20¶Alt 165ÑAlt 164ñAlt 31▼Alt 47/Alt 177▒Alt 201╔Alt 0134†Alt 0210ÒAlt 0242òLine ArrowsAlt 0188¼Alt 178▓Alt 202╩Alt 0135‡Alt 0211ÓAlt 0243óAlt 23↨Alt 0189½Alt 179│Alt 203╦QuotesAlt 0212ÔAlt 0244ôAlt 24↑Alt 0190¾Alt 180┤Alt 204╠Alt 34"Alt 0213ÕAlt 0245õAlt 25↓Alt 46.Alt 181╡Alt 205═Alt 0139‹Alt 0214ÖAlt 0246öAlt 26→EqualityAlt 182╢Alt 206╬Alt 0155›Alt 0138ŠAlt 0154šAlt 27←Alt 240≡Alt 183╖Alt 207╧Alt 0145'Alt 0218ÚAlt 0249úBulletsAlt 61=Alt 184╕Alt 208╨Alt 0146'Alt 0219ÛAlt 0250ûAlt 3♥Alt 247≈Alt 185╣Alt 209╤Alt 0147"Alt 0220ÜAlt 0251üAlt 4♦InequalityAlt 186║Alt 210╥Alt 0148"Alt 0217ÙAlt 0252ùAlt 5♣Alt 60Alt 188╝Alt 212╘Alt 175»Alt 0159ŸAlt 0255ÿAlt 7•Alt 242≥Alt 189╜Alt 213╒Alt 0130'Alt 0142ŽAlt 0158žAlt 8◘Alt 243≤Alt 190╛Alt 214╓Alt 0132""Extra" LettersAlt 9○PowersAlt 191┐Alt 215╫Abbrevs.UppercaseLowercaseAlt 10◙Alt 251√Alt 192└Alt 216╪Alt 39'Alt 0229åAlt 0197ÅAlt 11♂Alt 252ⁿAlt 193┴Alt 217┘Alt 96`Alt 0140OEAlt 0156oeAlt 12♀Alt 0185¹Alt 194┬Alt 218┌Alt 38&Alt 0254þAlt 0222ÞAlt 13♪Alt 0178²Alt 195├Alt 219█Alt 64@Alt 0216ØAlt 0248øAlt 14♫Alt 0179³Alt 196─Alt 220▄Alt 0198ÆAlt 0230æAlt 16►Angles/TrigAlt 197┼Alt 221▌Alt 164ñAlt 165ÑAlt 17◄Alt 227πAlt 198╞Alt 222▐Alt 0223ßAlt 254■Alt 248°Alt 199╟Alt 223▀Alt 0208ÐAlt 0240ðAlt 30▲General MathsGeneral PunctuationCodingAlt 31▼Alt 35#Alt 58:Alt 0133…Alt 45-Alt 0166¦Alt 92\Alt 23↨Alt 236∞Alt 59;Alt 95_Alt 0151-Alt 40(Alt 35#Alt 24↑Alt 230μAlt 44,Alt 0175¯Alt 22▬Alt 41)Alt 40(Alt 25↓Alt 228ΣAlt 46.Alt 124|Alt 42*Alt 94^Alt 41)Alt 26→Alt 239∩Alt 32Alt 126~Alt 47/Alt 60Alt 91[Alt 0129BoxCardinalsMiscellaneousAlt 61=Alt 93]Alt 15☼Alt 166ªAlt 65 - 90A to ZAlt 249·Alt 42*Alt 123{127⌂Alt 167ºAlt 97 - 122a to zAlt 250·Alt 47/Alt 125}Alt 18↕InterpunctAlt 244⌠Alt 170¬Copyright ©2006 Tim WoolfsonOr put # and 3 regular numbers after it#234#568#345#857ONLY DO THIS PART ON STARDOLL (=
Well............ ♥: alt 3 ↓: alt 25 ÷: alt 0247 →: alt 26 ☺: alt 1 ☻: alt 2 ♀:alt 12 ☼:alt 15 ↨: alt 23 _: alt 95 ▬: alt 22 ○: alt 9 ♦: alt 4 ♣: alt 5 ♠: alt 6
a with grave accentà ALT + 133 À ALT + 0192a with circumflexâ ALT + 131  ALT + 0194a with trémaä ALT + 132 Ä ALT + 142a e ligatureæ ALT + 145 Æ ALT + 146c with cedillaç ALT + 135 Ç ALT + 128e with acute accenté ALT + 130 É ALT + 144e with grave accentè ALT + 138 È ALT + 0200e with circumflexê ALT + 136 Ê ALT + 0202e with trémaë ALT + 137 Ë ALT + 0203i with circumflexî ALT + 140 Î ALT + 0206i with trémaï ALT + 139 Ï ALT + 0207o with circumflexô ALT + 147 Ô ALT + 0212o e ligatureœ ALT + 0156 Œ ALT + 0140u with grave accentù ALT + 151 Ù ALT + 0217u with circumflexû ALT + 150 Û ALT + 0219u with trémaü ALT + 129 Ü ALT + 154French quotation marks« ALT + 174 » ALT + 175Euro symbol€ ALT + 0128Hope that answers your question bye!
You will need to buy the VIP shirt if the creator has one for the game your playing.
apparently u hold down the alt key on your keyboard and type in the number 14 but incase that doesn't work here they are ☺ - Alt 1 ☻ - Alt 2 ♥ - Alt 3 ♦ - Alt 4 ♣ - Alt 5 ♠ - Alt 6 • - Alt 7 ◘ - Alt 8 ○ - Alt 9 ◙ - Alt 10 ♂ - Alt 11 ♀ - Alt 12 ♪ - Alt 13 ♫ - Alt 14 ☼ - Alt 15 ► - Alt 16 ◄ - Alt 17