A red potara charcter is a charcter that is boosted in everything and has a unfair advantage against the oppenent.
- They have sturdy body (hard to stun)
- Extremly strong
- Extra 30,000 hp
- most blast attacks do about 6 damage
- Cant be guard crushed
- Guard crushes make the oppenent lose a lot of ki
- Extremly fast ki charge
- auto ki and hp regeneration (gradually heals)
These are the basic stats of a red potara. Extremly strong and a challenge for the skilled player.
14 at a time
Red potara is a type of potara that makes your character super powerful, but is only accessible through a particular code
You can get all seven dragon balls in DBZ BT3 by completing the seven fights. You can also get dragon balls by completing the levels repeatedly.
he starts in the game when you start
i dont think u can
14 at a time
Red potara is a type of potara that makes your character super powerful, but is only accessible through a particular code
14 at a time
You'll need a password. i recomend searching online for these passwords
On google web search. Just type dbz bt3 passwords for wii or ps2
Hold don R3 You can't fuse every character on dbz bt3 and if you can hold down R3
he is a wish from shenron
You can get all seven dragon balls in DBZ BT3 by completing the seven fights. You can also get dragon balls by completing the levels repeatedly.
he starts in the game when you start
i dont think u can
You have to save after collecting every dragonball and when you come round to summoning it needs to be in kami's lookout