Pfft, about the last answer; wrong, wrong,wrong
Does Raidar-Sonic's art look anything like PurityIf4's? No.
Get a new webkinz and make a new account.
you go to the ps3 account station and they will give you the password to your new account. sukka
just click new account
i never heard of people having to make a new account
If you mean your account you can't you would have to buy a new webkinz and make a new account
Get a new webkinz and make a new account.
new account
You can get a new page on Gmail by a new account. The new account will have all the settings reset. The account will have to start from all over.
on how to creat new account for airG
have new credit card how do i get a new account
Wait for the new account to arrive and destroy the old account once the new account is received and activated.
you go to the ps3 account station and they will give you the password to your new account. sukka
just click new account
You can if your account expires you have 30 days to get a new pet or you have to get a new account.
You have to sign up on Facebook website to create a new account on this social networking platform.
You can always create a new account easily on Gmail. In that new account, you can use the feature of Import. Importing imports all the mails and folders to the new account.
make a new facebook or my space account and u get a new yoville account with it with 16yocash to start with